BenevolentBowd wrote: »[PC][Console]
Brotherhood Candelabra, Table 2,500g
Brotherhood Tapestry 10,834g
Brotherhood Stained Glass Window 107,143g
History of Vendor Items
MLGProPlayer wrote: »Sweet, nothing I want this week. My wallet can rest. I've gotten into the habit of buying anything there is even a remote chance I might want later on. I skipped out on those stupid glowing wedding flowers since they didn't fit my desert house, then Morrowind came out with those sweet, sweet houses. I ended up spending 40k a pop on the flowers because they go great with the Telvanni lights.
SofiDesune wrote: »Snatched the first picture from my friend Nighren/Shadowho but here is some pics.
WaTeR-aBuSeR wrote: »
I put mine in the floor just fine
mommadani907 wrote: »Those prices are cracking me up. 10834. Who decided that totally random number was perfect?
MLGProPlayer wrote: »Sweet, nothing I want this week. My wallet can rest. I've gotten into the habit of buying anything there is even a remote chance I might want later on. I skipped out on those stupid glowing wedding flowers since they didn't fit my desert house, then Morrowind came out with those sweet, sweet houses. I ended up spending 40k a pop on the flowers because they go great with the Telvanni lights.
SydneyGrey wrote: »I got the tapestry. It's big, but not ridiculously big. It looks great in a large house. I managed to get the Lake House in Vvardenfell, and put the tapestry on the second floor. Looks amazing.
andreasranasen wrote: »@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_RichLambert Wow! In-game prices now reflects the pricing on Crown Store items. Your company greediness never cease to amaze me
method__01 wrote: »ok tried every house wall and -apart from the outside-there isnt one big enough to fit the window,so i put it on floor