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City Under Attack!!

At certain times of the week or a random time of the week. A city or town will be attacked by enemy forces.

These can range from:
Alliance factions
Daedric Titans (remember Skyrim Dragon attacks anyone?)
Vampires or Werewolves

The Guard will be 'engaged' in combat but not really contributing any damage because they are too powerful.
(People will be fleeing for safety)
It is your job to stop the enemy, and of course you get some good loot from doing it.


Introduce Battlegrounds called "Invasions" that were based on the Alliance conflict in Zones by the ocean.
places like
EP: Eastmarch and Stonefalls,
DC: Gleumbra and Alikir Desert,
AD: Greenshade and Auridon

You can filter out fights for 2-3 teams.
Edited by Iccotak on June 16, 2017 7:04AM

City Under Attack!! 102 votes

No, it sounds inconvenient. That is what Dolmens are for
aubrey.baconb16_ESOBam_BamKhenarthiSoupDragonElsonsoAgobiTandorSarevoccSausageEasily_LostADarkloreTomCarterESOLadyNalcaryaVipstaakkiBethenyBohnTBobby_V_RockitsupaskrubBombashamanKiralyn2000 23 votes
Yes, it sounds exciting. It makes the world more dynamic and it would give us something else to look forward to.
kevlarto_ESOZardayneNewBlacksmurfOsteosPendrilliontimb16_ESO85slumber_sandb16_ESOKnootewootZunaRoathoddaviGilGaladdroids097The_AntiquarianFrozenAnimalArundogreyloxcyclonus11ValkynSkethaStovahkiinAdamBourke 50 votes
As long as we are notified and have time to prepare, like a warning timer when it is close
JitterbugkojouMaGicBushHuyenpaulsimonpsValarMorghulis1896Stiltzpod88kkCromulentForumIDrusselmmendozaQbikenBlanketFortDoctordarkspawnmewcatusLyserusVapirkoSydneyGreybloodthirstyvampirelogarifmikdrunknmunkky 21 votes
I would rather have the Battlegrounds called "Invasions"
Iruil_ESORavenSwornAzraelKriegBalamoorEnslavedRT_FrankRygonixofSunhold 8 votes
  • Fishoscandi
    And what if I don't do damage? The people living there would respawn 5 minutes later like nothing happened?
    Edited by Fishoscandi on June 16, 2017 7:02AM
    Fishoscandi - Orc NB
    Cookie of Dough - Dunmer Templar
    Smells Like Tree Spirit - Bosmer Sorc

    EU PC

  • AzraelKrieg
    I would rather have the Battlegrounds called "Invasions"
    Stick it in the battlegrounds. Make it similar to Imperial City where there is the threat of the opposing team as well as the threat of the daedric invasion.
    Gold Dragons Guildmaster PC-NACR2000+
    Kalthar Wolf-Brother – EP Templar - 50 Maeli Valen - EP NB - 50Naps-During-Trials – EP Templar - 50Rulnakh - EP Sorc - 50Azrael Krieg - EP NB – 50Uvithasa Telvanni – EP DK – 50More-Tail - EP Warden - 50Narile Galen - EP Sorc - 50Bone Soldier - EP Necro - 50Naps-During-Trails - EP Necro - 50
  • Sausage
    No, it sounds inconvenient. That is what Dolmens are for
    I would rather see them revisiting the Dolmen, would it be fun if they spreaded?
  • slumber_sandb16_ESO
    Yes, it sounds exciting. It makes the world more dynamic and it would give us something else to look forward to.
    Rift style. Dolemns activate and if no players are around the daedra will begin to flood out of it and spread. Roaming patrols of powerful daedra(a step below world bosses) across the zone with two or three bigger events per day where daedra lay siege to the outskirts of the zone capital.
  • Betheny
    No, it sounds inconvenient. That is what Dolmens are for
    None of your ideas are ever going to be used, just so you know. Might as well stop trying now, save you the future heartbreak when you wake up one day and find your enthusiasm dead.
  • Iccotak
    Betheny wrote: »
    None of your ideas are ever going to be used, just so you know. Might as well stop trying now, save you the future heartbreak when you wake up one day and find your enthusiasm dead.

    @Betheny I am merely proposing ideas to the community to start conversation and to play around with ideas.
    No need to be a negative Nancy.
  • MLGProPlayer
    GW2 has dynamic events. No one cares about them once they hit endgame. Although this would make the world feel more alive, people would just ignore them unless there was a major incentive to doing them.
    Edited by MLGProPlayer on June 16, 2017 8:53AM
  • Betheny
    No, it sounds inconvenient. That is what Dolmens are for
    Iccotak wrote: »
    No need to be a negative Nancy.

    You will get there too if you stick around a few years. Maybe it'll take even less time with you.
  • Iccotak
    Betheny wrote: »
    Iccotak wrote: »
    No need to be a negative Nancy.

    You will get there too if you stick around a few years. Maybe it'll take even less time with you.

    Nah, I've been on the Warframe Forums for 4 years. This is nothing compared to that.
  • Betheny
    No, it sounds inconvenient. That is what Dolmens are for
    Iccotak wrote: »
    Betheny wrote: »
    Iccotak wrote: »
    No need to be a negative Nancy.

    You will get there too if you stick around a few years. Maybe it'll take even less time with you.

    Nah, I've been on the Warframe Forums for 4 years. This is nothing compared to that.

    Are you warning us these polls will never end? You better not be saying these polls will never end...
  • ADarklore
    No, it sounds inconvenient. That is what Dolmens are for
    There is no need for PvP in PvE zones... ZOS has said as much when they stated they weren't implementing the 'Justice system' to include PvP. The overwhelming majority of players are PvE players and most of them are solo questers and interrupting quest zones for the minority would never fly in ESO. They've also added 'city under attack' in Cyrodiil, and as you probably know, those aren't very successful either... so what makes you think forcing PvP content into PvE would work better? Clearly, if the 'city under attack' in a PvP zone doesn't work, it clearly wouldn't work in a forced PvE zone either... other than to alienate PvE players who avoid PvP zones.

    UPDATE: Sorry, it's early... misunderstood you meant 'PvE' city under attack not 'PvP'. Still, I cannot support it because it would interrupt PvE quests and quest players and not everyone has the same schedule.
    Edited by ADarklore on June 16, 2017 9:06AM
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • Arundo
    Yes, it sounds exciting. It makes the world more dynamic and it would give us something else to look forward to.
    Yes please more random event would really spice things up in the world. Dolmen are ok but not enough imo. Great idea's OP. Here you have an awesome for the suggestion :)
    Edited by Arundo on June 16, 2017 9:02AM
  • TomCarterESO
    No, it sounds inconvenient. That is what Dolmens are for
    Adding Lag to Lag.
    Veteran Rank 16 Dark Elf Templar
  • Iccotak
    ADarklore wrote: »
    There is no need for PvP in PvE zones... ZOS has said as much when they stated they weren't implementing the 'Justice system' to include PvP. The overwhelming majority of players are PvE players and most of them are solo questers and interrupting quest zones for the minority would never fly in ESO. They've also added 'city under attack' in Cyrodiil, and as you probably know, those aren't very successful either... so what makes you think forcing PvP content into PvE would work better? Clearly, if the 'city under attack' in a PvP zone doesn't work, it clearly wouldn't work in a forced PvE zone either... other than to alienate PvE players who avoid PvP zones.

    @ADarklore I think you misunderstand.

    I am not suggesting Enemy Players attack Cities.
    I am proposing Battlegounds, like the one in Morrowind Chapter, but based on the Alliance conflict.
    Integrating Battlegrounds into more places than just Morrowind

    An "Invasion" area is a closed off area in a PvE zone that offers a player PvP content on their home or enemy turf. Like the Beach where you or the enemy has arrived on ship.
    You cannot fight enemy players unless you enter the Battleground and join a team.

    For PvE content I am suggesting enemy NPCs occasionally or sometimes attack a city or town.
    Like a Daedric Titan drops out of the sky and attacks.

    That is why the Battle grounds option is separate from the other selections

    Edited by Iccotak on June 16, 2017 9:13AM
  • Betheny
    No, it sounds inconvenient. That is what Dolmens are for
    Adding Lag to Lag.

    That's really the issue with this idea...cities already squash everyone's fps...imagine adding an NPC invasion force and having people fighting all over the place. The servers would choke.

    Hey OP - you any good at coding? Maybe you should write to ZOS and send them your awesome coding resume.
  • Arundo
    Yes, it sounds exciting. It makes the world more dynamic and it would give us something else to look forward to.
    Adding Lag to Lag.

    Damn how i miss the lol button.... you sir are out what bad reason to disagree to this awesome idea.
  • Shardan4968
    No, it sounds inconvenient. That is what Dolmens are for
    When I want city under attack I go to Cyrodill. Bruma is attacked every moment by daedra.
  • Tandor
    No, it sounds inconvenient. That is what Dolmens are for
    I'd rather introduce greater randomness to the dolmens, it would add to the atmosphere and challenge as well as helping to defeat the bots/afkers.

    Once you start introducing random world boss invasions etc to quest and crafting hubs like cities it just becomes more like an action game rather than a role-playing game. While it may appeal to some, it will simply get in the way of others and impact on loading times when arriving at wayshrines etc (much like dueling).

    What happens with Battlegrounds is of no interest or concern to me so long as those sorts of activities are restricted to instanced PvP areas and are not introduced into the open PvE world.
    Edited by Tandor on June 16, 2017 10:32AM
  • Khenarthi
    No, it sounds inconvenient. That is what Dolmens are for
    1. Laaaaaaag
    2. Only top 12 dps get loot
    3. Interrupts questing, vendoring, banking, crafting...
    4. If there's any special loot, it'll be utter chaos (Witches Festival, anyone? Swarms of people camping bosses, you could not even see anything in front of you).
  • Merlin13KAGL
    Roaming bosses, or something, would add more dynamics to this game. The tether gets really old. Even the elites in IC reset after a bit.

    Unfortunately with this, people would probably execute the roaming boss/mobs before anyone else could get there. That, or the pathing would be so horrible that the threat would be snagged on a rock formation or a blade of grass until that poor level 10 wandered along to pick a flower. ;)

    If I understand your Battlegrounds idea correctly, I assume it would be similar to the daedric round with the sacrifices in DSA? If so, that sounds intriguing, but it would need to take place in a battleground, not in open world.

    I understand the original need for why certain things were coded/scripted as they were, but it's long overdue to add something more.
    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • NewBlacksmurf
    Yes, it sounds exciting. It makes the world more dynamic and it would give us something else to look forward to.
    Basically a mode of PvE only Cyrodil ....been saying this for 3 years.
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • ofSunhold
    I would rather have the Battlegrounds called "Invasions"
    When I want city under attack I go to Cyrodill. Bruma is attacked every moment by daedra.


    Bored in PvE, not enough danger? Cyrodiil is ---> thataway.
    Classes that don't need any class ability nerfs: Nightblades, Dragonknights, Sorcs, Templars, Wardens.
  • Arkvoril
    Yes, it sounds exciting. It makes the world more dynamic and it would give us something else to look forward to.
    I think it would be interesting. Your sitting there banking, crafting, etc, and then BAM, you have to repel the attack and save the city.

    Level 50 Altmer Sorcerer
    A Vampire with a Werewolf Companion.
    Master Alchemist and Enchanter;
  • RexyCat
    GW2 has dynamic events. No one cares about them once they hit endgame. Although this would make the world feel more alive, people would just ignore them unless there was a major incentive to doing them.

    You forget about Heart Of Thorns map (+Living World 3 maps) that have meta events which is a large scale dynamic event and even in old Tyria there is people that level up by doing these dynamic events for map completion. I have done it several time, so I am pretty sure that those dynamic events are still being "useful" in that sense. My impression from doing HoT maps and LW3 is that after the first week where everything is fresh you will get the same feeling that everything is just the same old repetitive task, it would be a few player doing those events, but most player will move on towards where there is better "reward" (loot).

    For this game it is more a question if the gaming engine can handle this kind of large events without having a negative impact on map zone or its feature as an event (in particular if it is being zerged down or farmed). Just think about how Cyrodiil works and you know what I talk about. With few player around you don't see lag or much of performance issues, but with large groups you will see that gaming engine have its limitations.

    It will create a balancing issue as if it is too few players around it would be very annoying (everybody would be set in combat= not able to interact with inventory or repair gear; probably die before being able to do anything) and with too many players around they would just complain about it being too easy (or it would turn out to be one more farming area in game). How would this game be able to handle scaling (number of player vs how hard/difficult a fight should be or what kind of mechanics a certain area should have)?
  • Knootewoot
    Yes, it sounds exciting. It makes the world more dynamic and it would give us something else to look forward to.
    I wish if is was nighttime, more dangerous creatures spawn and you have more enemies travelling the roads. Also more (dynamic) daedra invasions. Now all are restricted to static dolmens which makes it not very exciting and engaging. I mean.. the dolmens are static, just place some cyrodill guards around them and voila.. planemeld won't happen as the wormcult cannot do their magic trick.
    Dolmens should drop out of nowhere with massive amounts of deadra pouring out.
    "I am a nightblade. Blending the disciplines of the stealthy agent and subtle wizard, I move unseen and undetected, foil locks and traps, and teleport to safety when threatened, or strike like a viper from ambush. The College of Illusion hides me and fuddles or pacifies my opponents. The College of Mysticism detects my object, reflects and dispels enemy spells, and makes good my escape. The key to a nightblade's success is avoidance, by spell or by stealth; with these skills, all things are possible."
  • Kiralyn2000
    No, it sounds inconvenient. That is what Dolmens are for
    Because the "please disable dueling near wayshrines/in towns" crowd needs even more sources of lag when they're just trying to check a guild vendor/cook some food. ;)

    (edit: thinking about it - logging in in a town is already annoying enough with all the black-silhouette characters slowly loading in and then the NPCs appearing/etc..... would just be a joy to log in to rampaging monsters & AoE, maybe something would kill you before you even knew it was there. It's also always fun to log in, go to run across the square to the lumber mill, and get hit with a second loading screen because there's so many people around.)
    Edited by Kiralyn2000 on June 16, 2017 1:38PM
  • Kalebron
    Iccotak wrote: »
    At certain times of the week or a random time of the week. A city or town will be attacked by enemy forces.

    These can range from:
    Alliance factions
    Daedric Titans (remember Skyrim Dragon attacks anyone?)
    Vampires or Werewolves

    The Guard will be 'engaged' in combat but not really contributing any damage because they are too powerful.
    (People will be fleeing for safety)
    It is your job to stop the enemy, and of course you get some good loot from doing it.


    Introduce Battlegrounds called "Invasions" that were based on the Alliance conflict in Zones by the ocean.
    places like
    EP: Eastmarch and Stonefalls,
    DC: Gleumbra and Alikir Desert,
    AD: Greenshade and Auridon

    You can filter out fights for 2-3 teams.

  • WeylandLabs
    Good to see the game evolved this much to have great ideas like this. Unfortunately its too much for Zos to handle.
  • AdamBourke
    Yes, it sounds exciting. It makes the world more dynamic and it would give us something else to look forward to.
    I think that non-major towns could really do with something to draw people back to them sometimes, and this is a good idea to do that.

    You'd have to deal with a large amount of lag of everyone attending one location if this were the case, however.

    Perhaps the event is only broadcast to people in the zone already, and would happen randomly every 2 hours (per zone).

    You'd also have to deal with different phasings, and there should be lasting effects if the invasion is successful...
    PS4 - EU

    Please put the Eyevea/EarthForge wayshrines back on the map?
  • Zardayne
    Yes, it sounds exciting. It makes the world more dynamic and it would give us something else to look forward to.
    I like those kind of events. Rift used to have those NPC invasions all of the time.
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