It's not just about removing FOG though ...
Stop for a second and think about the possibilities for cheating (PvP comes to mind) when one has access to the depth buffer.
@NestorI have, it does not matter how much Fog you remove, it is the Render Distance that determines if you can see other Players or Objects. And, you can set that distance out quite a ways with the Fog. So this gives no advantage in PvP.
I sent a ticket and I got the following answers:
Valera Progib wrote: »
Let me translate what customer service have replied to you - "I have no idea, but here is a general answer that we send to everyone"
If it looks like cheating, smells like cheating and feels like cheatig - it is not going to be bacon, I can bet on that.
"Great" customer service from ZoS, as per usual.
Lets start with:
Having access to the depth buffer during rendering allows you to modify depth values so that certain objects (walls etc.) fail the depth test when rendered and become invisible.
It's not just about removing FOG though ...
Stop for a second and think about the possibilities for cheating (PvP comes to mind) when one has access to the depth buffer.
JasonSilverSpring wrote: »
Exactly this. Also, note that this graphical enhancer uses hook64 and reshade which have both been around for ESO for some time. And, neither alters any game files.
I am using the reshade portion of the posted "mod" with no issues. I personally don't care for the side effects of removing fog in the game. It really can open up some awkward visuals when the game is not expecting to need to fill in an area. Looking down from the top of the steps in Vivec is a perfect example. The volcano is hovering and there are awful low-res trees and mushrooms around it. I do like the lighting adjustments though.
I do know there is a pay-to-unlock version of hook64, but I am not sure there are any impacts for ESO. That part might get iffy.
Bottom line, I think ESO will never fully endorse these as there is a risk for exploits, but if not used to exploit I doubt there will ever be an issue.
I think those programs don't use ZOS API. So it's illegal.
But ZOS doesn't ban any of 3rd party tools. So you can use it if you don't get caught.
Anyway, I won't use it.
JasonSilverSpring wrote: »Reshade and hook64 have been around for a long time for ESO. They are just graphical enhancers which don't impact gameplay or alter any game files. I have never heard of anyone getting actioned for using either.
"Great" customer service from ZoS, as per usual.