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Helpfull Suggestions for a returning Player

I have been away for some time now. I purchased Morrowind and started a warden. I like him, but I have a level 50 (165) Dark Elf Night Blade. I took it to Morrowind to play, and I just cant stay alive.Is there a build for a NB that is Noob proof. Oh, and I play on the X Box One. All constructive (Not Distructive) help is appreciated. Thank You.
Edited by jmartindaleb14_ESO on June 14, 2017 11:37PM
  • Darkestnght
    You can grab a restoration staff. It helps me stay alive as a magblade.
    Xbox NA - CP1300+
    Xbox EU - CP400+

  • Beardimus
    Have a search about for builds dude lots about.

    Main jist tho, is to work what you wanna achieve & do with him.

    Like pick a path Magika or Stamina, hybrids don't work too well. I assume MagBlade as Dunmer? Then its either farming sets or get a friendly guildie to make some sets but drop sets tend to be prefered

    What gear you running? Sets? Jewellery etc. Sharpened weopons? If light armour user you need wards, light is good for high damage but less protection. Traits on armour too, divine tends to be best or infused on big bits - Impen for PvP.

    If you get blue dual stat food, jewellery and two good sets, and sharp weopons you will handle regular pve just fine.

    Meta builds tend to focus on high dps stats trials etc you don't need to worry too much about best gear, just get close.
    Xbox One | EU | EP
    Beardimus : VR16 Dunmer MagSorc [RIP MagDW 2015-2018]
    Emperor of Sotha Sil 02-2018 & Sheogorath 05-2019
    1st Emperor of Ravenwatch
    Alts - - for the Lolz
    Archimus : Bosmer Thief / Archer / Werewolf
    Orcimus : Fat drunk Orc battlefield 1st aider
    Scalimus - Argonian Sorc Healer / Pet master

    Fighting small scale with : The SAXON Guild
    Fighting with [PvP] : The Undaunted Wolves
    Trading Guilds : TradersOfNirn | FourSquareTraders

    Xbox One | NA | EP
    Bëardimus : L43 Dunmer Magsorc / BG
    Heals-With-Pets : VR16 Argonian Sorc PvP / BG Healer
    Nordimus : VR16 Stamsorc
    Beardimus le 13iem : L30 Dunmer Magsorc Icereach
  • Darlgon
    Before anything else.. change the title trollbait.


    First bet, you didnt put any CP back in.
    Power level to CP160 in a week:
    Where is the end game? You just played it.
    Why don't I have 300+ skill points? Because you skipped content along the way.
    Where is new content? Sigh.
  • jmartindaleb14_ESO
    I'm not trolling. I lagitametly want input. I am frustrated with dieing all the time with a 50 toon, when I seem to bo fine on low toons. When I stoped playing before, I had no issue.

    Sorry if you feel I'm trolling.
    Edited by jmartindaleb14_ESO on June 14, 2017 8:56PM
  • Rohamad_Ali
    I SUCK TOO !

    Now that we've bonded ...

    Trying mixing anything with harness magic shield , transmutation set and refreshing path to suck less .
  • jmartindaleb14_ESO
    So you suggest a magician night blade over stamina?
  • Rohamad_Ali
    So you suggest a magician night blade over stamina?

    If you want to play stamina run Eternal Hunt and put a ton of points in dodge roll and use vigor and rally two handed for heals .
  • QuebraRegra
    So you suggest a magician night blade over stamina?

    for general PVE? YES... it's EZ mode. BTW, what part of MORROWIND is killing you? Are you standing in the world boss red circles all by yer lonesome again? ;)

    Seriously, MAGBLADE with restostaff HEALING WARD, SWALLOW SOUL, SAP ESSENCE, SHADOW IMAGE, and an easily farmed/purchased NECROPOTENCE set, and yer good for pretty much any PVE stuff, including soloing all public dungeon bosses. Want more survivability, CC, and small dmg? Add a BAHARAHS CURSE set to the mix (esaily farmed if you have TG DLC).
  • QuebraRegra
    So you suggest a magician night blade over stamina?

    If you want to play stamina run Eternal Hunt and put a ton of points in dodge roll and use vigor and rally two handed for heals .

    This is of interest, for a STAMBLADE, but "unobtainium" for the average player due to the nirnhoned BS. If yer going to craft it, make it well fitted, and combine with Hide of Morihaus set for laughs.
  • jmartindaleb14_ESO
    Lol no, not standing with a boss. The first tomb, I get a few bugs on me and I die. I have never farmed gear or got into crafting. I know I should, but at the rate I die, I don't want to burden a group
  • Danksta
    Lol no, not standing with a boss. The first tomb, I get a few bugs on me and I die. I have never farmed gear or got into crafting. I know I should, but at the rate I die, I don't want to burden a group

    If you're not wearing set gear then you're hitting like a wet noodle and healing like... what ever the equivalent of a wet noodle is for healing.

    Find someone to craft you some gear. Maybe join a guild that doesn't mind showing newer players the ropes. It makes the game more fun. I used to think that I didn't want to be a burden on groups either but it's the only way you're going to get better. Getting good gear is only part of the equation.
    BawKinTackWarDs PS4/NA

  • jmartindaleb14_ESO
    Thank you all for the help. You gave me something to work on
  • jmartindaleb14_ESO
    I found This. Any Good?

    Bar One – Dual Wield
    1 - Blood Craze (morph of Twin Slashes | Dual Wield skill line - An extremely potent single target DoT available from Dual Wield. This ability can be applied to an infinite amount of targets, so try and hit each enemy with this when you're fighting groups the size of 3 and under. It also has immense up front damage and a snare, helping you kite enemies when you need to back off to heal
    2 – Bloodthirst (morph of Flurry | Dual Wield skill line) - A wonderful spammable that acts as a damage over time function, making it relatively easy to weave. This skill will out perform Surprise Attack in situations where Major Fracture is already applied to the target, which is most of the time in group play.
    3 – Killer’s Blade (morph Assassin’s Blade | Assassination skill line) – An on demand execute that becomes effective at 25% health or less with the addition of healing us for a large amount. Use this for healing over Vigor when dealing with low HP enemies.
    4 - Deadly Cloak (morph of Blade Cloak | Dual Wield skill line) - Now boasting a staggering 25% AoE damage reduction, this skill helps Stamina builds stay in the fight in harsh combat. Many skills in dungeons and trials have also been updated to be considered AoE damage, giving us much needed tankiness. Use UNTILL you Unlock
    Resolving Vigor (morph of Vigor | Alliance War Assault skill line) – Our main self heal, capable of carrying us through intense damage. You’ll be using this a lot, so we put it on our main bar

    5 - Relentless Focus (morph of Grim Focus | Assassination skill line) - A potent tool to help Stamina Nightblades gain Minor Berserk and Endurance for 20 seconds, granting them 8% damage boost and 10% Stamina Regeneration. After 5 Light or Heavy attacks it can be reactivated for a high damaging shot, as many times as you can get 5 LA/HA's off in the 20 seconds. Expect to only get 2-3 shots off per cast of Relentless due to the complexity of our rotation.
    [ULTIMATE] Soul Harvest (morph of Death Stroke | Assassination skill line) – I slot this on my front bar because all my kills will rack up ultimate. I can generate a freakishly amount of ultimate and in boss fights, a meteor, potion and soul harvest can nearly kill anything within seconds. Also grants us extra crit, for faster clears.

    Bar 2 – Bow
    1 - Poison Injection (morph of Poison Arrow | Bow skill line) – This acts as our DoT execute though it should be up 100% of the damage as the damage outweighs recasting it. The damage up front isn’t that much, but if you’re in a ranged only situation for a short time, you can keep up Relentless and spam Injection until you can regain melee range.
    2- Endless Hail (morph of Volley | Bow skill line) – Our ranged Juggernaut AoE/single target DPS ability that scales well with the Maelstrom bow. It’s still worth using without the bow, but the added damage adds up quickly. I have some detailed explanation of how to use this in the video for extra damage and burst. Consider this #1 DoT single target and AoE, it’s that good.
    3 - Relentless Focus (morph of Grim Focus | Assassination skill line) – An 8% damage buff and 10% stamina regeneration boost, plus the chance to proc a damage ability. We also slot this for the assassination skill line passives. Use UNTILL you Unlock
    Resolving Vigor (morph of Vigor | Alliance War Assault skill line) – Our main self heal, capable of carrying us through intense damage. You’ll be using this a lot, so we put it on our main bar.
    4 - Rearming Trap (morph of Trap Beast | Fighter's Guild skill line) - A universal powerhouse to any Stamina (and even some Magicka) builds. Enabling great damage via Minor Force for 12 seconds, as well as a hefty single target DoT to the enemy it procs on. It can also root minor enemies in place for a bit, and will deal massive bonus damage to Undead, Deadra, and Werewolves.
    5 - Leeching Strikes (morph of Siphoning Strikes | Siphoning skill line) - Reworked to return only Stamina on hit, it also grants an explosion of Stamina after the ability ends, or if recasted; based on how long the duration was. Try to keep this up as much as possible and weave Light or Heavy attacks between abilities to help out your resource management.
    [ULTIMATE] Veil of Blades (morph or Consuming Darkness | Shadow skill line) - While this skill won't scale well with us in the Champion Point system (it deals Magic damage), it will help our group stay alive through harsh punishment. During the duration it offers you and 5 allies inside the circle Major Protection, reducing all damage taken by 30%. Low Health targets can also synergize it to temporarily gain invisibility and heal over a 4 second duration.

    - Kra'ghs (Fungal Grotto I) or Velidreth (Cradle of Shadows) both offer great damage to the end game player. Velidreth offers more burst damage and cleave potential, while Kra'gh's offers more single target and passive damage.
    - Two Fanged Snake (Sanctum Ophidia Normal or Veteran) - The best Stamina set in the game in terms of raw damage, enabling a disgusting 5000 Physical Penetration, equating to 10% flat damage increase. While not the easiest set to get, it will help tremendously. In a group with a lot of Stamina DPS though, try using sets like Nightmother's or Sunderflame to help everyone instead of just yourself.
    - Vicious Ophidian (Any Craglorn Trial Normal or Veteran) - Unparalleled resource management and set bonus efficiency nets this set on any good guide. Again, it'll be harder to get than other sets, but the power it enables is immense.
    - Maelstrom Bow (Veteran Maelstrom Arena) - Hands down the strongest weapon in the game for Stamina builds, enabling an absurd amount of damage. The grind is long, but it's totally worth it.

    Beginner/Easy Access

    - Infector (found in Morrowind Overland events) - A new 5 piece set that dropped with Morrowind, it's BoE and comes from many overland activities. Sharpened weapons will always be a pain to find, so if you can't nab them go for the Shoulder and Helmet paired with jewelry instead.
    If you don't have access to Infector, there are a multitude of powerful BoE Stamina sets in the base game. Spriggan's (Bangkorai) offers immense penetration but may become redundant in group play, Witchman (The Rift) offers healing and resource management, as well as many other sets.
    - Hunding's Rage (6 trait craftable) - A solid staple in Stamina DPS, helping your healing and damage dealing capabilities tremendously. While other sets like Nightmother's and Spriggan's might boast more raw damage to some players, Hunding's flat amps helps the newer player who isn't pushing out insane base DPS.
    You'll have some free slots available to you with this setup. I highly suggest getting some Health bonuses from either Monster sets or a crafted set like Ashen Grip (2 trait craftable) to help survive.

    Champion Points
    The Mage
    Mighty – 64
    Master-At-Arms –28
    Precise Strikes – 52
    Thaumaturge – 66
    The Thief
    Tenacity– 100
    Mooncalf– 100
    Tumbling- 10
    The Warrior
    Elemental Defender – 49
    Hardy – 49
    Ironclad – 61
    Thick Skinned – 28
    Expert Defender – 11
    Quick Recovery – 12
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