seedubsrun wrote: »Seems like you're talking about PvP correct? Burning spellweave was nerfed and is no longer best in slot for sorcs. If you're running lich in PvP I'd personally recommend Spinners as your other 5. It really helps against the heavy armor builds and high resistances. The inferno staff would be good to front bar as a lot of the skills you would use are single target and would be buffed if using the inferno staff. Plus, the destro ulti that follows you is very powerful. Toss force pulse in there as a spammable and to proc c-frags. I'd also recommend Boundless storm on the back bar for the extra resistances if you're trying to be tanky. Engine Guardian will be nice for added sustain especially if you don't want to shield stack. If you do want that then just run a damage based monster set as the shields with CP into bastion+ Boundless will keep you alive plenty as long as you keep them up. You could also do a heavy armor build but I'm pretty unfamiliar with those. Maybe someone else would have a good suggestion?
Have you looked around Youtube? There are an abundance of new build videos out for PvP mSorc.
Honestly, it sounds like you want more than is reasonable. You're not going to be super tanky with BSW and Lich, for example. If you craft Julianos in heavy, you'll get more resistances but lose out on Light Armor passives, which will hurt your overall damage and sustain. The mSorc's main defense is shields, which has nothing to do with resistances and everything to do with max magicka. So do you want to pump up max magicka for bigger shields or sacrifice shield size for more resistances with heavy armor. You're going to have to make sacrifices somewhere, otherwise we really would be broken OP.
Also, with either of those set pairings you have no stamina management. Is that something you care about? Good players know to CC sorcs on cooldown to eat their tiny stam pool until they can't break free anymore to reshield. That's why you'll see so many people talking about Amberplasm and Shacklebreaker. It's a way of boosting stamina so that people trying to counter sorcs with CC will fail. But you will sacrifice a lot of base damage by going that route, making the precision timing of burst all the more critical.
I think you ought to settle your build plan in your own mind first. No one can tell you which playstyle will suit you better. Staff vs DW? Big shields vs Big resistance? Stam management, playing the long drain game, or YOLO with massive damage? You can't have it all.
grim_tactics wrote: »In PVP I'm running Amberplasm / Shacklebreaker with 1 Monster helm.
Hit 40k Magicka in CP campaign and the Magic regen is around 2500 buffed and Stam regen is around 1200.
Pushing 3k spell damage buffed but could be a tad higher if I changed some enchants around.
All in all I enjoy this build as I have no sustain issues and it's very versatile.
I've tried changing but I keep coming back to this set up.
DEATHquidox wrote: »grim_tactics wrote: »In PVP I'm running Amberplasm / Shacklebreaker with 1 Monster helm.
Hit 40k Magicka in CP campaign and the Magic regen is around 2500 buffed and Stam regen is around 1200.
Pushing 3k spell damage buffed but could be a tad higher if I changed some enchants around.
All in all I enjoy this build as I have no sustain issues and it's very versatile.
I've tried changing but I keep coming back to this set up.
But isn't there just a lot of damage missed out on?
I want to run full jewlery spell power gold glyphs with shacklebreaker or amberplasm and julianos or something else with a monster helm
Ima go rewatch this video and see what this guys set up was he had eyes of Mara I think (mages guild crafted set) might have butchered that.
Anyways I just didn't think his setup with gear was as good as it could of been but he did have really high resistances buffed he was 35% resist on both magic and physical damage
grim_tactics wrote: »DEATHquidox wrote: »grim_tactics wrote: »In PVP I'm running Amberplasm / Shacklebreaker with 1 Monster helm.
Hit 40k Magicka in CP campaign and the Magic regen is around 2500 buffed and Stam regen is around 1200.
Pushing 3k spell damage buffed but could be a tad higher if I changed some enchants around.
All in all I enjoy this build as I have no sustain issues and it's very versatile.
I've tried changing but I keep coming back to this set up.
But isn't there just a lot of damage missed out on?
I want to run full jewlery spell power gold glyphs with shacklebreaker or amberplasm and julianos or something else with a monster helm
Ima go rewatch this video and see what this guys set up was he had eyes of Mara I think (mages guild crafted set) might have butchered that.
Anyways I just didn't think his setup with gear was as good as it could of been but he did have really high resistances buffed he was 35% resist on both magic and physical damage
Not really. If I went full spell damage glyphs I'd still hit 2100 regen buffed and spell power would be over 3.1k. I just wanted a little bit more regen and was ok with losing a little damage.
Do what you like - but for me - having good damage and absolutely 0 regen issues is great.
seedubsrun wrote: »Seems like you're talking about PvP correct? Burning spellweave was nerfed and is no longer best in slot for sorcs. If you're running lich in PvP I'd personally recommend Spinners as your other 5. It really helps against the heavy armor builds and high resistances. The inferno staff would be good to front bar as a lot of the skills you would use are single target and would be buffed if using the inferno staff. Plus, the destro ulti that follows you is very powerful. Toss force pulse in there as a spammable and to proc c-frags. I'd also recommend Boundless storm on the back bar for the extra resistances if you're trying to be tanky. Engine Guardian will be nice for added sustain especially if you don't want to shield stack. If you do want that then just run a damage based monster set as the shields with CP into bastion+ Boundless will keep you alive plenty as long as you keep them up. You could also do a heavy armor build but I'm pretty unfamiliar with those. Maybe someone else would have a good suggestion?
DEATHquidox wrote: »seedubsrun wrote: »Seems like you're talking about PvP correct? Burning spellweave was nerfed and is no longer best in slot for sorcs. If you're running lich in PvP I'd personally recommend Spinners as your other 5. It really helps against the heavy armor builds and high resistances. The inferno staff would be good to front bar as a lot of the skills you would use are single target and would be buffed if using the inferno staff. Plus, the destro ulti that follows you is very powerful. Toss force pulse in there as a spammable and to proc c-frags. I'd also recommend Boundless storm on the back bar for the extra resistances if you're trying to be tanky. Engine Guardian will be nice for added sustain especially if you don't want to shield stack. If you do want that then just run a damage based monster set as the shields with CP into bastion+ Boundless will keep you alive plenty as long as you keep them up. You could also do a heavy armor build but I'm pretty unfamiliar with those. Maybe someone else would have a good suggestion?
Okay I found what I want to run I'm going with 5x lich 5x spinners and skeleton monster helm or some other I plan to run mostly all spell damage glyphs with impregnable on my gear
Bar 1: destro staff
mages wrath, frags, curse, force pulse, hardened ward
ult: dawnbreaker/ meteor/eye of the storm/ overload
Bar 2: resto staff
streak, minefield, entrophy, annulment/boundless storm, healingward
Ult: lights champion
If I use engine guardian for resources I might not even need lich to be honest I'll see what happens with it. Could use engine guardian with all jewlery with magicka reign and use engine guardian and use julianos or something else there to add a lot of spell power I'll test it out once I have all the gear, I've got a lot of grinding to do
seedubsrun wrote: »Seems like you're talking about PvP correct? Burning spellweave was nerfed and is no longer best in slot for sorcs. If you're running lich in PvP I'd personally recommend Spinners as your other 5. It really helps against the heavy armor builds and high resistances. The inferno staff would be good to front bar as a lot of the skills you would use are single target and would be buffed if using the inferno staff. Plus, the destro ulti that follows you is very powerful. Toss force pulse in there as a spammable and to proc c-frags. I'd also recommend Boundless storm on the back bar for the extra resistances if you're trying to be tanky. Engine Guardian will be nice for added sustain especially if you don't want to shield stack. If you do want that then just run a damage based monster set as the shields with CP into bastion+ Boundless will keep you alive plenty as long as you keep them up. You could also do a heavy armor build but I'm pretty unfamiliar with those. Maybe someone else would have a good suggestion?
DEATHquidox wrote: »seedubsrun wrote: »Seems like you're talking about PvP correct? Burning spellweave was nerfed and is no longer best in slot for sorcs. If you're running lich in PvP I'd personally recommend Spinners as your other 5. It really helps against the heavy armor builds and high resistances. The inferno staff would be good to front bar as a lot of the skills you would use are single target and would be buffed if using the inferno staff. Plus, the destro ulti that follows you is very powerful. Toss force pulse in there as a spammable and to proc c-frags. I'd also recommend Boundless storm on the back bar for the extra resistances if you're trying to be tanky. Engine Guardian will be nice for added sustain especially if you don't want to shield stack. If you do want that then just run a damage based monster set as the shields with CP into bastion+ Boundless will keep you alive plenty as long as you keep them up. You could also do a heavy armor build but I'm pretty unfamiliar with those. Maybe someone else would have a good suggestion?
Okay I found what I want to run I'm going with 5x lich 5x spinners and skeleton monster helm or some other I plan to run mostly all spell damage glyphs with impregnable on my gear
Bar 1: destro staff
mages wrath, frags, curse, force pulse, hardened ward
ult: dawnbreaker/ meteor/eye of the storm/ overload
Bar 2: resto staff
streak, minefield, entrophy, annulment/boundless storm, healingward
Ult: lights champion
If I use engine guardian for resources I might not even need lich to be honest I'll see what happens with it. Could use engine guardian with all jewlery with magicka reign and use engine guardian and use julianos or something else there to add a lot of spell power I'll test it out once I have all the gear, I've got a lot of grinding to do
seedubsrun wrote: »Seems like you're talking about PvP correct? Burning spellweave was nerfed and is no longer best in slot for sorcs. If you're running lich in PvP I'd personally recommend Spinners as your other 5. It really helps against the heavy armor builds and high resistances. The inferno staff would be good to front bar as a lot of the skills you would use are single target and would be buffed if using the inferno staff. Plus, the destro ulti that follows you is very powerful. Toss force pulse in there as a spammable and to proc c-frags. I'd also recommend Boundless storm on the back bar for the extra resistances if you're trying to be tanky. Engine Guardian will be nice for added sustain especially if you don't want to shield stack. If you do want that then just run a damage based monster set as the shields with CP into bastion+ Boundless will keep you alive plenty as long as you keep them up. You could also do a heavy armor build but I'm pretty unfamiliar with those. Maybe someone else would have a good suggestion?
Bsw is still strong. It only lost 75 base spell damage and 5% chance to proc. Still does more damage vs all 3 targets than spinners
Bsw lich pirate skeleton
Tanky dmg and sustainDEATHquidox wrote: »seedubsrun wrote: »Seems like you're talking about PvP correct? Burning spellweave was nerfed and is no longer best in slot for sorcs. If you're running lich in PvP I'd personally recommend Spinners as your other 5. It really helps against the heavy armor builds and high resistances. The inferno staff would be good to front bar as a lot of the skills you would use are single target and would be buffed if using the inferno staff. Plus, the destro ulti that follows you is very powerful. Toss force pulse in there as a spammable and to proc c-frags. I'd also recommend Boundless storm on the back bar for the extra resistances if you're trying to be tanky. Engine Guardian will be nice for added sustain especially if you don't want to shield stack. If you do want that then just run a damage based monster set as the shields with CP into bastion+ Boundless will keep you alive plenty as long as you keep them up. You could also do a heavy armor build but I'm pretty unfamiliar with those. Maybe someone else would have a good suggestion?
Okay I found what I want to run I'm going with 5x lich 5x spinners and skeleton monster helm or some other I plan to run mostly all spell damage glyphs with impregnable on my gear
Bar 1: destro staff
mages wrath, frags, curse, force pulse, hardened ward
ult: dawnbreaker/ meteor/eye of the storm/ overload
Bar 2: resto staff
streak, minefield, entrophy, annulment/boundless storm, healingward
Ult: lights champion
If I use engine guardian for resources I might not even need lich to be honest I'll see what happens with it. Could use engine guardian with all jewlery with magicka reign and use engine guardian and use julianos or something else there to add a lot of spell power I'll test it out once I have all the gear, I've got a lot of grinding to do
Currently using
5x shackle
5x Amber
Vma inferno
Defending resto w/ beserk enchant
Prismatic glyph on chest + pants
Before morrowind I exclusively ran bsw lich 1x kena/infernal vma inferno. Shadow mundus.
If you get a bsw sharp you can run 2x pirate skel instead which was bis
Recovery is harder now though
i dislike spinners
You over pen
Can't pen on shields
Or don't do as much damage to tankier players as you would by running bsw
To each his own
seedubsrun wrote: »seedubsrun wrote: »Seems like you're talking about PvP correct? Burning spellweave was nerfed and is no longer best in slot for sorcs. If you're running lich in PvP I'd personally recommend Spinners as your other 5. It really helps against the heavy armor builds and high resistances. The inferno staff would be good to front bar as a lot of the skills you would use are single target and would be buffed if using the inferno staff. Plus, the destro ulti that follows you is very powerful. Toss force pulse in there as a spammable and to proc c-frags. I'd also recommend Boundless storm on the back bar for the extra resistances if you're trying to be tanky. Engine Guardian will be nice for added sustain especially if you don't want to shield stack. If you do want that then just run a damage based monster set as the shields with CP into bastion+ Boundless will keep you alive plenty as long as you keep them up. You could also do a heavy armor build but I'm pretty unfamiliar with those. Maybe someone else would have a good suggestion?
Bsw is still strong. It only lost 75 base spell damage and 5% chance to proc. Still does more damage vs all 3 targets than spinners
Bsw lich pirate skeleton
Tanky dmg and sustainDEATHquidox wrote: »seedubsrun wrote: »Seems like you're talking about PvP correct? Burning spellweave was nerfed and is no longer best in slot for sorcs. If you're running lich in PvP I'd personally recommend Spinners as your other 5. It really helps against the heavy armor builds and high resistances. The inferno staff would be good to front bar as a lot of the skills you would use are single target and would be buffed if using the inferno staff. Plus, the destro ulti that follows you is very powerful. Toss force pulse in there as a spammable and to proc c-frags. I'd also recommend Boundless storm on the back bar for the extra resistances if you're trying to be tanky. Engine Guardian will be nice for added sustain especially if you don't want to shield stack. If you do want that then just run a damage based monster set as the shields with CP into bastion+ Boundless will keep you alive plenty as long as you keep them up. You could also do a heavy armor build but I'm pretty unfamiliar with those. Maybe someone else would have a good suggestion?
Okay I found what I want to run I'm going with 5x lich 5x spinners and skeleton monster helm or some other I plan to run mostly all spell damage glyphs with impregnable on my gear
Bar 1: destro staff
mages wrath, frags, curse, force pulse, hardened ward
ult: dawnbreaker/ meteor/eye of the storm/ overload
Bar 2: resto staff
streak, minefield, entrophy, annulment/boundless storm, healingward
Ult: lights champion
If I use engine guardian for resources I might not even need lich to be honest I'll see what happens with it. Could use engine guardian with all jewlery with magicka reign and use engine guardian and use julianos or something else there to add a lot of spell power I'll test it out once I have all the gear, I've got a lot of grinding to do
Currently using
5x shackle
5x Amber
Vma inferno
Defending resto w/ beserk enchant
Prismatic glyph on chest + pants
Before morrowind I exclusively ran bsw lich 1x kena/infernal vma inferno. Shadow mundus.
If you get a bsw sharp you can run 2x pirate skel instead which was bis
Recovery is harder now though
i dislike spinners
You over pen
Can't pen on shields
Or don't do as much damage to tankier players as you would by running bsw
To each his own
Agreed. BSW is still really good especially for MagDKs. OP just asked for BIS gear and since the nerf it's not for sorcs anymore. I think scathing took that slot for PvE builds at least. I like your current setup. I'll bet shackle and amber is sweet together.
seedubsrun wrote: »Seems like you're talking about PvP correct? Burning spellweave was nerfed and is no longer best in slot for sorcs. If you're running lich in PvP I'd personally recommend Spinners as your other 5. It really helps against the heavy armor builds and high resistances. The inferno staff would be good to front bar as a lot of the skills you would use are single target and would be buffed if using the inferno staff. Plus, the destro ulti that follows you is very powerful. Toss force pulse in there as a spammable and to proc c-frags. I'd also recommend Boundless storm on the back bar for the extra resistances if you're trying to be tanky. Engine Guardian will be nice for added sustain especially if you don't want to shield stack. If you do want that then just run a damage based monster set as the shields with CP into bastion+ Boundless will keep you alive plenty as long as you keep them up. You could also do a heavy armor build but I'm pretty unfamiliar with those. Maybe someone else would have a good suggestion?
Bsw is still strong. It only lost 75 base spell damage and 5% chance to proc. Still does more damage vs all 3 targets than spinners
Bsw lich pirate skeleton
Tanky dmg and sustainDEATHquidox wrote: »seedubsrun wrote: »Seems like you're talking about PvP correct? Burning spellweave was nerfed and is no longer best in slot for sorcs. If you're running lich in PvP I'd personally recommend Spinners as your other 5. It really helps against the heavy armor builds and high resistances. The inferno staff would be good to front bar as a lot of the skills you would use are single target and would be buffed if using the inferno staff. Plus, the destro ulti that follows you is very powerful. Toss force pulse in there as a spammable and to proc c-frags. I'd also recommend Boundless storm on the back bar for the extra resistances if you're trying to be tanky. Engine Guardian will be nice for added sustain especially if you don't want to shield stack. If you do want that then just run a damage based monster set as the shields with CP into bastion+ Boundless will keep you alive plenty as long as you keep them up. You could also do a heavy armor build but I'm pretty unfamiliar with those. Maybe someone else would have a good suggestion?
Okay I found what I want to run I'm going with 5x lich 5x spinners and skeleton monster helm or some other I plan to run mostly all spell damage glyphs with impregnable on my gear
Bar 1: destro staff
mages wrath, frags, curse, force pulse, hardened ward
ult: dawnbreaker/ meteor/eye of the storm/ overload
Bar 2: resto staff
streak, minefield, entrophy, annulment/boundless storm, healingward
Ult: lights champion
If I use engine guardian for resources I might not even need lich to be honest I'll see what happens with it. Could use engine guardian with all jewlery with magicka reign and use engine guardian and use julianos or something else there to add a lot of spell power I'll test it out once I have all the gear, I've got a lot of grinding to do
Currently using
5x shackle
5x Amber
Vma inferno
Defending resto w/ beserk enchant
Prismatic glyph on chest + pants
Before morrowind I exclusively ran bsw lich 1x kena/infernal vma inferno. Shadow mundus.
If you get a bsw sharp you can run 2x pirate skel instead which was bis
Recovery is harder now though
i dislike spinners
You over pen
Can't pen on shields
Or don't do as much damage to tankier players as you would by running bsw
To each his own
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »Dont over think it. For PVP you generalyl want a damage set and a sustain set.
Good Damage Sets: Spinner, BSW, Julianos, Necro (with pets), Netch, and perhaps some of the newer ones like War Maiden or even Knightslayer if going for a heavy attack build.
Good Regen Sets: Lich, Amber, Plasm, Seducer (if you want to go heavy).
A lot of sorcs that run 2 sets like to have them so they get the 5 piece on seperate bars. For example, you would have a spinner staff on front bar, and a lich staff on back bar. This allows you to also run a 2 piece monster set. Pirate Skeleton is strong if look for tankiness, Infernal Guardian can add DPS to a shield stacker, Engine guardian (perhaps not my favorite) but useful for resrources. Ilambris, Grothdar, and Skoria are all viable as well for more damage.
DEATHquidox wrote: »Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »Dont over think it. For PVP you generalyl want a damage set and a sustain set.
Good Damage Sets: Spinner, BSW, Julianos, Necro (with pets), Netch, and perhaps some of the newer ones like War Maiden or even Knightslayer if going for a heavy attack build.
Good Regen Sets: Lich, Amber, Plasm, Seducer (if you want to go heavy).
A lot of sorcs that run 2 sets like to have them so they get the 5 piece on seperate bars. For example, you would have a spinner staff on front bar, and a lich staff on back bar. This allows you to also run a 2 piece monster set. Pirate Skeleton is strong if look for tankiness, Infernal Guardian can add DPS to a shield stacker, Engine guardian (perhaps not my favorite) but useful for resrources. Ilambris, Grothdar, and Skoria are all viable as well for more damage.
Yeah I think Ima run lich and spinners and see how that goes and if that doesn't work out for me I'll switch it up a bit. I think Ima go with pirate skell if not that then blood spawn for the extra resistances
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »DEATHquidox wrote: »Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »Dont over think it. For PVP you generalyl want a damage set and a sustain set.
Good Damage Sets: Spinner, BSW, Julianos, Necro (with pets), Netch, and perhaps some of the newer ones like War Maiden or even Knightslayer if going for a heavy attack build.
Good Regen Sets: Lich, Amber, Plasm, Seducer (if you want to go heavy).
A lot of sorcs that run 2 sets like to have them so they get the 5 piece on seperate bars. For example, you would have a spinner staff on front bar, and a lich staff on back bar. This allows you to also run a 2 piece monster set. Pirate Skeleton is strong if look for tankiness, Infernal Guardian can add DPS to a shield stacker, Engine guardian (perhaps not my favorite) but useful for resrources. Ilambris, Grothdar, and Skoria are all viable as well for more damage.
Yeah I think Ima run lich and spinners and see how that goes and if that doesn't work out for me I'll switch it up a bit. I think Ima go with pirate skell if not that then blood spawn for the extra resistances
You are describing my build exactly. It was Meta'ish for a while. Amber plasm might have taken over, but I think Spinner/Lich is very strong.
Tested on the dummy, Spinner outperformed BSW for me. I got 15k penetration with it, which barely overpenetrates medium and underpenetrates light+defending/resbuff.
IMO, Spinner is anti-stam dps, whereas BSW is anti-magicka burst (excluding HA magbuilds). Given how ridiculous the BSW grind is, I would stick with Spinner.
DEATHquidox wrote: »@Irylia
Tested on the dummy, Spinner outperformed BSW for me. I got 15k penetration with it, which barely overpenetrates medium and underpenetrates light+defending/resbuff.
IMO, Spinner is anti-stam dps, whereas BSW is anti-magicka burst (excluding HA magbuilds). Given how ridiculous the BSW grind is, I would stick with Spinner.
Also if I can get enough champ points into the penetration tree I can get threw heavy as well and will the spell damage ontop of it