I currently have a 388 CP stamDK who couldn't complete VMA pre Morrowind, stuck on round4, and I haven't been able to get the needed VO setup since. I want to try and clear it on my MagSorc instead. He is currently 47 without the undaunted skills or monster sets since he's been all PVP to this point. I plan to do all pledges tonight in order to hit 50. I will not try VMA until he hits 50 so he has 388 cp and max level gear.
Can anyone recommend some easy playstyles - skills/gear for a VMA clear? I noticed most people say MagSorc is the easiest to clear it with. I know there are guides out there but its easy crafted or BIS gear. I can do a combo of crafted and BOE gear since I have the gold. I can respec no problem so please offer up some assistance so i can finally get a clear. Thank you very much for any help!
Pocket Aces 13 -Xbox NA
A Single Nut Lvl 50 StamDK
Lets Get HighElf Lvl 50 MagSorc