When either Sheer Venom or Vicecannon proc on DKs with Spiked Armor up (whichever the morph) the poison ticks not only take Nightblades out of cloack but even reflect their damage (which is only supposed to happen against melee attacks). This issue was already present with Vicecannon in previous patches and never got fixed. So much so that I decided to switch to Sheer Venom. I spent almost half a million gold to buy key-fragments to farm the right traits in IC Prison, getting ready for Morrowind. You can imagine my frustration and disappointment when I realised that Sheer Venom was even more bugged than Vicecannon (since not only was I taken out of stealth but the poison damage was even reflected). Please fix this ASAP. Either Spiked Armor is broken or Vicecannon's and Sheer Venom's dot damage is wrongly counted as melee damage.
The Gaming Rev
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