ZoS just announced the next two DLC packs for release later this year.
'Horns of the Reach' is probably like Shadows of the Hist - 2 nord themed dungeons, probably with 3 item sets each plus a new monster mask + shoulder. Also a new battleground map and a new gamemode. Sounds very interesting to be honest - I actually think there is more longterm content in these dungeon DLC packs than there was in some of the other DLCs, especially say Dark Brotherhood. It's cool to see that battlegrounds is being expanded on regularly as well; the same 3 maps can get a bit repetitive.
'Clockwork City' is particularly exciting from a lore perspective, since the vision of the Prophet at the end of the game warning us something along the lines of the big daedric war starting when the gates of sotha sil's city are thrown open. Are we gonna get a continuation of the main daedric story? Is Mephala going to kick Molag in the Bals? I'm pretty hyped.
What are your thoughts on the pace at which these new DLCs are planned to come out?