So I was using the following setup until today:
5 Pc Hunding's rage
3 Agility
1 Kra'gh
1 Velidreth
Random 2H / Bow until I get maelstrom. I was @ around 3300 weapon damage, 66% crit and 32k Stamina with buffs.
Dungeons felt difficult for some reason, as in things weren't dying quick enough compared to before.... so I thought I'd try this:
5 Pc Hunding's
5 Night Mother's Embrace (with 2H/Bow)
1 Velidreth
I know if I use daggers I can fit in the Kra'gh or a Molag Kena when I get it (accidentally deconned -.-) but I'm liking 2H at the moment because I feel tankier/die less.
What do you think? Got purple weapon damage and weapon damage glyphs on everything, good setup for PVE content? Don't really do trials yet because I'm only 210CP, so just doing delves, pledges, DD, overland stuff and the odd PVP.
Any suggestions/tips??
Thanks for reading
Edited by TomStaf11 on June 11, 2017 10:26PM Ingame GT: TS 11 11 94
Xbox One EU