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Research Scrolls and Skill Reset

Does anyone know for sure how research scrolls are calculated in to the timers (just removes 24 hours, or if they're counted up as a separate modifier or something)?

I wasn't going to respec my main and used research scrolls on her for a few days (3 or so). With time running out on the respec discount (although, since I don't see any Xbox One maintenance for this week, we may have an extra week to do it), I'm considering getting the respec just to move a few points from skills I'm not using.
But, with 4/4 in all three research passives, I don't know if I want to do it.

If I don't lose the research time, then I'll go ahead and do the respec.
If I do lose some of that time, I might not worry about doing it (I have plenty of skill points, and I still can get more).

Although if people aren't completely sure, with two of my woodworking items ending tomorrow, I may just go ahead and do it once they finish so I could tell people for sure.
X1/NA (GT: Dite Hart)
Dite Dielle - Breton Templar
- Full 9-trait crafter
- Knows 41 motif styles
- Covenant, Dominion, and Starter-Island Master Angler
  • Jciampi
    I don't know how it works with the research scrolls. But normally, I respected a lot, as long as you put the 4 points back into research for that craft, the timer just picks up where it left off, with no real loss/gain of time. I was worried id lose research but after doing it a ton, I never did.

    Not 100% sure if the research scroll matters. But probably not since it was used and is gone now. I think the only factor calculated is just time remaining. But i guess we can wait for an official answer to be safe
  • DiteHart
    Okay, so I just checked, and it does get retained (at least if you put the points back right away).

    I didn't check to see how it affects it if you don't return the points in the passive, but after returning the points I was at the same number of days before and after.

    ... And actually, I think I was overthinking it when trying to figure it out anyway. I was worried it would get mangled up in the % difference, but I probably wasn't considering hours and minutes and such (like I was thinking about it as if it would round up the day and then use 75% of that, and I would lose some of the scrolls' value).

    So with that being the case, if it directly affects the timer (and isn't a seperate modifier), I'm guessing the difference would actually be bigger when the points are removed. Instead of taking off 24 hours, it would effectively take off 32 hours. But, of course, that's only when your research time is increased by the same ~33%, so it doesn't matter.
    Edited by DiteHart on June 12, 2017 10:37AM
    X1/NA (GT: Dite Hart)
    Dite Dielle - Breton Templar
    - Full 9-trait crafter
    - Knows 41 motif styles
    - Covenant, Dominion, and Starter-Island Master Angler
  • Balibe
    The time you put in to earn the skill level will always be there. You can respect and remove all points and reapply the point if you do not want to. The skill level will be there on that character in a year and you can add the points then if you want .....

    IE .....
    Started my main as heavy armor, dual wield to level 50. Had the skills I wanted maxed in armor and several abilities. Respected all skill points and moved to light armor and staffs. I can go back and switch from light to heavy armor, put the skill points in to the ability and not have to re-earn the skill again. Also applies to morphs that were leveled up .....


    Edited by Balibe on June 16, 2017 1:12AM
  • davey1107
    If you don't return the points, the research slots continue but at the slower time based on the new point attribution. So if you had three slots but downgraded to two, you still get that third slot if it was in progress. But if the time was 21 days under the old spec, and 30 days under the new, the research will recalculate based on the 30 day timer.
  • DiteHart
    I generally understand how it works according to my situation (as someone who, as long as I'm researching stuff has the passives maxed).

    I just wasn't sure about how the research scroll time would be affected, which may or may not have to do with how the normal research time was calculated--whether there was just a changing time value and things were done with direct math, or if it's a base time with all types of modifiers on it.

    If it was just a value that would be re-calculated with triggers (ex: respeccing from 4 points would multiply it by 4/3), then it would be easy, since using the respec scroll would just subtract one day from that value.
    (And this is what I assume the easiest way would be. The only big calculation would be when a new item starts research, since it's affected by the passive % modifiers, then the possible 30-day limit, then potential ESO plus).
    It would also mean that it it retains its worth if you drop the passive points.

    But, on the possibility that it would be a base time (the original timer where 9 traits is 64 days) under a bunch of modifiers, I'd guess that it would have to be the total research scrolls used being subtracted somewhere in there.
    But, unless ESO Plus extra 10% off (2 hours, and 24 minutes), which I'm pretty sure I'm not (although I've never really checked the hours and minutes), it would have to be added last, which means that no matter when you put the points in, research scrolls give 1 day.

    When I did it, I didn't check the time I had before putting the points back in (the increased time), so I don't know which.At this point, though, it was just a curious thought. As long as I keep my points in the passive long-term (replacing them after respecs), my numbers should be okay either way.
    X1/NA (GT: Dite Hart)
    Dite Dielle - Breton Templar
    - Full 9-trait crafter
    - Knows 41 motif styles
    - Covenant, Dominion, and Starter-Island Master Angler
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