I noticed there were many topics about this, but I didn´t find anything about the bug I seem to have: this is the third time now that it happened, and it´s always the same sewer with the same targets: Aojee-ei (or something, sorry), and Lamzakha. The story is as follows:
1) After entering the area I go to the most back "kind of a secret" -room where Aojee-ei is, kill him, quest updates. Great.
2) I go back to the area where the secret entrance to Lamzakha is, look down and see Aojee-ei walking around at the ground floor, like nothing ever happened (two times now spotted). Yet my quest log had updated and the only thing left is to kill Lamzakha with poison and not alerting anyone. So I leave Aojee-ei alone.
3) I equip poison, jump to the secret room, use Blade of Woe and kill Lamzakha. Quest updates as it should. Awesome.
--> I sneak/run back to the entrance completely unnoticed and there it is --> "Optional steps failed". WHAT!! No matter how many times I do the quest, it´s always the same.
Do I keep doing something wrong (which is entirely possible)? Or is it because equipping poison it says "All poisons are applied 20% of the time" (what does that even mean - you use poison but can´t be sure if it works every time - what)? Or is it just a bug? Nerve eating, flesh carving, bone chilling bug that follows you no matter how good you are..
..for you shall be doomed to fail?
Edited by BlackPearlII on June 10, 2017 2:08PM