Chilly-McFreeze wrote: »
Chilly-McFreeze wrote: »
Obviously i have heard of that haha what do you think i am..
I stand by my statement if you arent man enough to finish the job you dont get the kill ...
Thats how it is in most other games as well.
NeillMcAttack wrote: »Endless fury is immensely strong in BG for sure, but I have never understood the mentality in taking issue with a teammate "stealing" a kill! It's a team game you know.
Brutusmax1mus wrote: »Chilly-McFreeze wrote: »
Obviously i have heard of that haha what do you think i am..
I stand by my statement if you arent man enough to finish the job you dont get the kill ...
Thats how it is in most other games as well.
Any reason youre saying"not man enough"? You sounds like you're just trying to get under someone's skin.
Some sorcs are running around just putting mages wrath on everyone for the steals. It's bad design.
hamburgerler76 wrote: »It's not just sorc all class's can run excutes and do this I've seen it lots of matchmaking kill games have this feature it's not a new thing lol
hamburgerler76 wrote: »It's not just sorc all class's can run excutes and do this I've seen it lots of matchmaking kill games have this feature it's not a new thing lol
No, not all classes have access to an execute. Case in point: mDKs.
My typical end-of-match summary has a kill / death / assist ratio of 5 / 5 / 20. Frustrating? Yes. Game breaker? No.
The issue OP raises is real but c'est la vie.