Return of Retired 3pc Dungeon Sets?

If people don't remember the sets, they were "The Destruction Suit", "Relics of the Physician, Ansur", "Treasures of the Earthforge", "Relics of the Rebellion", "Arms of Infernace", and "Arms of the Ancestors". All of them had one three piece set bonuses and the set pieces were all unique, with pretty cool names. (Trueflame was in Arms of Infernace, for example). I'm just wondering if we'll ever see the return of these items in a similar vein to the Craglorn Trial 3pc (Now 5pc) sets.

What would the set bonuses be? Where would they drop? Do you want to see these sets make a glorious return?
unban my first account thanks
  • Silver_Strider
    Relics of the Physician Ansur was godly back in the day.
    I'd love to see it return, granted, I want it to return as a 3 pc instead of a 5
    Argonian forever
  • jlboozer
    I would like to see more 3pc sets, I wasn't here for those unfortunately.
  • Avran_Sylt
    yeah, it'd give more variety to staff/bow/2h users for sure. rather than the generic willpower/agility meta
  • Katahdin
    I don't remember the 3 pc sets but I agree it would be nice to have some for different options
    Beta tester November 2013
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