I was watching the video on a poor connection so youtube was pretty blurry but I thought his necropotence variant had around 42k magicka and his shackle/imperial variant had around 39k magicka. I did not realize that these numbers may have also been including things such as inner light and warden magicka boosts so maybe that's it.
I feel alchemist is good with any type of build but just personally I don't enjoy the mechanic where at maximum uptime (using pots on cooldown) you only have your buff for 33% of the time. It's just not how I like to play in PVP.
I also don't like pelinal for my ideas of hybrid sorc because as the video highlighted, your max stat pool is what suffers and max stat pool is what you want for sorc hybrid for shields IMO.
Do you actually use any stamina abilities on that build you posted? 10k stam is low even for a non-hybrid.
I've wanted to play a hybrid sorc again since early access of beta when I was dropping hot frags on top of crit rushes. I watched your video and tried to make some of this work in UESP's build editor and i'm just not finding the same stats you show. I tried entering a medium armor 5/1/1 dark elf stam sorc using shackle breaker, 4 piece imperial physique, with the 1 piece kena and using tri-stat food i'm sitting around 28k magicka and 28k magicka with 19k HP outside of cyrodiil. You had 40k magicka somehow and in my uesp build link I even used infused on all armor pieces just as a test. Here is a link to the build in case you were wondering http://en.uesp.net/wiki/Special:EsoBuildData?id=16955 .
So my question to you is, what am I doing wrong and also, do you have any suggestions for me for a sorc hybrid?? I'm kind of looking for a stam sorc that can have a big magicka pool to use double shields and if I already have a high magicka pool, I might as well try and take advantage of haunting curse + possibly frags. What do you think of this idea and would you build it any way in particular?