Advice: What class for a khajiit?

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Reading from forum and other websites/guides out there, a stamina khajiit usually land a nightblade role, a combo everybody agrees on frequently (top being redguard). The thing is I already have a bosmer stamblade I enjoy a lot, yet I would like to start a khajiit character (aiming to have one char per race). So what would be your 2nd class choice for a khajiit? Warden is not an option, so from the rest, what would you recommend? I've read khajiit have some sustain issues, so have that in mind as well.
Edited by xerikos on June 9, 2017 3:03PM

Advice: What class for a khajiit? 28 votes

BalladionMinnoChelisterGERMANO-THE-IMPERIALGrumpyDucklingNeelanna48ArengurosToxic27Deiivan 9 votes
Dragon Knight
GothlanderRagnorkXxBradeyxXIbibigeneralmyrickc0t0nete88 6 votes
EthoirJitterbugKellionBaneluen79rwb17_ESOstarlizard70ub17_ESOPatoufApheriusCloudlessezeepeezeescipionumatiaAndeleICEBERGZxrabidmyers 13 votes
  • Minno
    I'm biased to templars. But they share a similar crit DMG buff to NB that might work for the Khajiit. But you would have to go stamplar for the crit chance.

    The Stam/health recovery looks good to pair with a templars cost reduction passive. Plus templars get extra resistance for spell based incoming DMG.
    Edited by Minno on June 9, 2017 3:35PM
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
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  • starlizard70ub17_ESO
    I have ten characters, a magic and stamina version of each class. All of them are Khajiit. Unless you're trying to be an elite max/min player, any race can work well with any class. That said, my stam sorc Khajiit has been pretty successful and fun to play while running through all the delves, overland, and world bosses.
    "We have found a cave, but I don't think there are warm fires and friendly faces inside."
  • luen79rwb17_ESO
    Racial extra crit makes an excellent sinergy with sorcerer passives and skills.

    V16 sorc - V16 temp - V16 dk - V1 nb - V1 temp - V1 dk
  • Jitterbug
    Racial extra crit makes an excellent sinergy with sorcerer passives and skills.

    I would have written the exact same thing.
  • Darlgon
    Power level to CP160 in a week:
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  • ezeepeezee
    I have a Khajiit Stam Sorc as well. The racial passives synergize well, especially crit surge with the extra weapon crit. Troll King is also quite potent on it. I might be wrong, but I think the Khajiit health regen bonus is applied to the Troll King bonus for an even larger bonus.
  • GrumpyDuckling
    I posted this a while ago for another player, but this is my stamina templar build from which I chose Khajiit, if you're interested:

    Class: Stamina Templar
    Race: Khajiit/Orc/Redguard/Imperial/Nord (mine is Khajiit)
    Weapon: 2 Handed Sword (and bow is nice for back bar defense/maneuverability/range)


    5 pieces of Ravager Set (heavy armor set from Vlastarus in Cyrodiil)

    5 pieces of Briarheart Set (medium armor set from Wrothgar)

    1 piece monster helm of either Molag Kena or Velidreth

    Why this build is fun/awesome:

    - Stamina Templars rely heavily on a melee attack, Biting Jabs, which hits hard and often to proc the very powerful Ravager set.

    - Biting Jabs also procs Major Savagery, which increases your crit chance and allows your Briarheart set to proc more often - which is awesome because it increases your damage and heals you.

    - Select Khajiit and you'll get even more crits because they have an 8% higher crit chance (racial passive). You'll do more damage and get more healing chances from Briarheart.

    - 2 Handed Sword gives you access to major brutality and healing through the skill Rally. Keep this active at all times, and understand that it gets buffed by Extended Ritual and Restoring Focus (Restoring Light skills). Note: Resolving Vigor (your strongest self heal for stamina builds) is also significantly buffed by Restoring Light skills.

    - The Templar skill Repentance is your bread and butter. This build hits hard and kills enemies quickly. Repent their dead bodies to heal yourself and restore stamina.

    - The Templar ultimate Crescent Sweep now does physical damage and is awesome for when you're getting up in an enemy's face.

    - The Ravager set is in heavy armor, and the Briarheart set is in medium armor. I personally run 5 Medium/2 Heavy by putting Ravager on my jewelry slots. This allows you to greatly increase your damage (5 medium armor gives you a 12% weapon damage buff). You can, however swap the roles and wear 5 heavy/2 medium if you prefer to be more tanky. Consider re-enchanting Ravager jewelry to provide stamina regeneration or additional weapon damage, as the default health regen doesn't help that much.

    That's the basic rundown and highlights of the build. It's pretty tanky for a build that hits extremely hard (when both sets proc) and you get some nice combat survival from the combination of Briarheart + Rally + Repentance.
  • Patouf
    Khajiit is good for all :

    -NB for crit passives

    -Stam for crit healing

    -DK for lot of DoTs + heavy attacks build

    -Templar for crit attack

    NB is the best for Khajiit. Then Templar for dps but Sorc is the best for dps AND survavibility. (Sorc easier to play too with heavy attack and have the best DD passives with NB).
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