We are having trouble balancing on Cyrodiil and this seems to be common on all servers. I think of a 'middle ground' to avoid favoritism in campaigns, something like, change for those who are winning:
- imagine a basketball game where the losing team, in the last minute of the game, changes sides to win too - does not make any sense!
So, 24 hours without being able to change factions, log another character into another faction, what do you think?
We are having trouble balancing on Cyrodiil and this seems to be common on all servers. I think of a 'middle ground' to avoid favoritism in campaigns, something like, change for those who are winning:
- imagine a basketball game where the losing team, in the last minute of the game, changes sides to win too - does not make any sense!
So, 24 hours without being able to change factions, log another character into another faction, what do you think?
Funny how you compare it to a basketball game, it´s more like this:
In most leauges (no matter what sport) there are transfer windows DURING THE SEASON where you are able to swap to another team. What you´re proposing is more or less saying no to a player to swap from one team to another. Wonder how that would work in NBA :P?
And besides this isn´t one main reason why PvP is "toxic". Isn´t this like your 3rd/4th post within 1-2 Days regarding this supject :P
We are having trouble balancing on Cyrodiil and this seems to be common on all servers. I think of a 'middle ground' to avoid favoritism in campaigns, something like, change for those who are winning:
- imagine a basketball game where the losing team, in the last minute of the game, changes sides to win too - does not make any sense!
So, 24 hours without being able to change factions, log another character into another faction, what do you think?
Funny how you compare it to a basketball game, it´s more like this:
In most leauges (no matter what sport) there are transfer windows DURING THE SEASON where you are able to swap to another team. What you´re proposing is more or less saying no to a player to swap from one team to another. Wonder how that would work in NBA :P?
And besides this isn´t one main reason why PvP is "toxic". Isn´t this like your 3rd/4th post within 1-2 Days regarding this supject :P
We are having trouble balancing on Cyrodiil and this seems to be common on all servers. I think of a 'middle ground' to avoid favoritism in campaigns, something like, change for those who are winning:
- imagine a basketball game where the losing team, in the last minute of the game, changes sides to win too - does not make any sense!
So, 24 hours without being able to change factions, log another character into another faction, what do you think?
Funny how you compare it to a basketball game, it´s more like this:
In most leauges (no matter what sport) there are transfer windows DURING THE SEASON where you are able to swap to another team. What you´re proposing is more or less saying no to a player to swap from one team to another. Wonder how that would work in NBA :P?
We are having trouble balancing on Cyrodiil and this seems to be common on all servers. I think of a 'middle ground' to avoid favoritism in campaigns, something like, change for those who are winning:
- imagine a basketball game where the losing team, in the last minute of the game, changes sides to win too - does not make any sense!
So, 24 hours without being able to change factions, log another character into another faction, what do you think?
Funny how you compare it to a basketball game, it´s more like this:
In most leauges (no matter what sport) there are transfer windows DURING THE SEASON where you are able to swap to another team. What you´re proposing is more or less saying no to a player to swap from one team to another. Wonder how that would work in NBA :P?
The actual comparison to a basketball game is more like this:
One of the teams enters the playing field at 1am on the day of the match and starts scoring while the opposing team still sleeps. Amazingly enough, once the actual match starts at 10am, all the points scored since 1am count.
FearlessOne_2014 wrote: »I have no problem with this proposal. It's one of the more realistic ones of the bunch lately.
However as some have said. If a group of players want to harass you all in this way. Their is little that is going to stop them short account bans from ZOS. After all their main objective is to troll and be a *** right? So by putting any restrictions on the campaigns will do nothing but punish the legit players.
But hey middle ground right?
Currently i log into whatever factions scrolls AD is raiding in the morning to kick as many of them in the behind as hard as i can.
I think the game could have worked with faction lock if it had launched that way. You can´t retroactively fix it without very high effort and faction changes etc pp.
caeliusstarbreaker wrote: »This solves nothing. It's actually not any where close to a problem as most of you advocating for it think it is. I don't mean to be crass, but seriously it isn't. It's akin to the logic that people go on and on in zone about how no one is running groups, but never actually form one themselves, and the (insert secondary color here) alliance claims.
For the people that play multiple factions the vast majority are either small scale players who have friends they want to team with, or the one or two who join a raid on another faction, because, again, friends.
The changes you seek take more than just running your head into a keep or in a raid lane hoping to push enough buttons and see flashing lights till victory. Oceanic time zones will make the proposed magical change even worse, and you can reference any campaign pre 1.7 as proof.
Actually when you couldn't home the same campaign with the same account people still complained about population imbalance and rampant deubachery.
For what it's worth, and although I disagree with 95% of their mentality and attitudes, Chuck Norris started as a pug guild, and shored up its numbers, and aided in propelling D.C. To camp wins. Ruin gaming, apart from the reputation for ruining gaming by just amassing people in one area till victory, are "being trained" by some higher tiered AD players who know what they are talking about at this very moment in time.
Not everyone wants or has to play objectives or campaign victories like all these faction loyalty die harde, and there is no reason they shouldn't be welcome in cyrodiil just like the rest of us. Because those 15-20 people that realllly think the Ash LM needs to be cleansed of those 3 blues... are 20 less that you have to deal with at a keep. You taking your raid up to warden when there is no scroll is essentially the same thing, just on a larger scale.
So seriously, guys/gals, it's about time that you start proactively changing your predicament from where you are in your alliances if you have that much pride, and stop complaining that if they only fixed this one mechanic that your stealth bonus caltrops would have surely meant victory.
I think the first faction you enlist in for any given campaign that your account should be locked to that faction until the campaign is over. Once the campaign is over the next time you enter that campaign whatever faction you enter in will be the faction you play for the subsequent campaign. This will allow a slight overlap if you are in Cyrodiil fighting when a campaign ends and allow you to change faction the next time you enter for the ensuing campaign.
DisgracefulMind wrote: »Characters are already locked into factions.
Accounts, however, I don't think should be. I say this as a player who has played all three factions (yeah, even AD). I've jumped around to just group with friends who are small-scaling. I obviously home EP, play in an EP raid guild, and play on EP 99% of the time, but that doesn't mean I want to be left out from the possible DC sorc squad every now and then. It's an MMO, we're all here to play with our friends, relax, and enjoy ourselves.
DisgracefulMind wrote: »Characters are already locked into factions.
Accounts, however, I don't think should be. I say this as a player who has played all three factions (yeah, even AD). I've jumped around to just group with friends who are small-scaling. I obviously home EP, play in an EP raid guild, and play on EP 99% of the time, but that doesn't mean I want to be left out from the possible DC sorc squad every now and then. It's an MMO, we're all here to play with our friends, relax, and enjoy ourselves.
You can still play with friends in any faction you want, you just have to do it for the duration of the campaign. As a campaign is winding down you take a few minutes, determine, with your friends or guild which faction you want to fight for on the next weeks, or months campaign, and play on toons that are from that faction. As soon as you enter the campaign on a toon from that faction your account is locked to it until the campaign once again expires, rinse and repeat.
Joy_Division wrote: »Reading the threads the OP posts is a like like reading someone's blog who thinks they can solve the problem of unequal wealth distributions by abolishing private property and redistributing the means of production evenly to the masses.
I doubt he is even aware his ideas have already been tried.
You used to be locked for 72 hours and that clock reset even in you steeped into Cyrodiil. You could not PvP for 3 days in order to change your campaign.