Sheva I 7 I wrote: »
Thanks, I never even seen that one yet anywhere
You could try to buy them. Gotta be a pain without ttc but still, could try to check big traders or just ask in zone to buy/trade for duplicates consoles have zonechat? Sorry, I know a grand total of nothing about console gaming
I've been farming for two days and I didn't drop a single piece.
And people still don't understand why I hate RNG. RNG hates me too :P
I'm trying to get rid of my 5/7 pieces if you want :P Got my robe already and tried to get another set of a friend, but i got tired of farming those.
Sheva I 7 I wrote: »
yeah we got a clunky zone chat that bugs out quite often and you can't type till you reset the game, I can't hate on rng as I pulled sharpened war maiden lighting/fire staffs, precise sword while farming but this will be pain in the ass, I haven't seen anyone with robe on console yet, I am very close though... very close..
ulrik.igerupb16_ESO wrote: »The drop rate for the 6th House robe pieces seems to be a lot lower than for the Theodwemer Roosevelt pet parts. I collected enough pieces to make 4½ Roosevelt pets but only have 2 of 7 pieces for the robe.
Sheva I 7 I wrote: »
yeah we got a clunky zone chat that bugs out quite often and you can't type till you reset the game, I can't hate on rng as I pulled sharpened war maiden lighting/fire staffs, precise sword while farming but this will be pain in the ass, I haven't seen anyone with robe on console yet, I am very close though... very close..