NewBlacksmurf wrote: »@Ihatenightblades
Thing is you haven't collected them. All of us who made a Warden have to
1. Do all skill quests
2. Collect skyshards
3. Do the main story for skills
4. Fighters guild progress
5. Make guild progress
6. DLC progress
-Don't make an alt if you don't want to do the requirements. It's not ideal to suggest a pay for progress cause you don't feel like doing something.
Band Camp statements: To state "But this one time I saw X doing X... so that justifies X" Refers to the Band camp statement.
Coined by Maxwell
Ihatenightblades wrote: »A crown item that levels your mages guild to 10.
I had 10 characters now 11 ( warden ) i spent hours on allllllll my mag classes leveling mages guild and its so stupid.
Why should i have to do the most boring thing in the game when i did it over 8 times already !?!
So dumb who has time for this il pay 100$ to get to 10 and maybe u can use that money to upgrade the servers
NewBlacksmurf wrote: »
Shrug...2013 closed beta on PC till now on console.
It's a choice but shouldn't be given away for real money. You want this, others want pay for level 50 instant, another wants pay for class change....
Next thing you know it's another Pay2Win argument. Sorry to be blunt but....
1. Either stop making Alts if you aren't committed to leveling them up.
2. Play the game
I'm open to any QoL updates to find the books but....the whole point of it is books or daily quests. They've made it a lot easier since Pc release already.
Jeez you guys are just begging ZoS to come up with more ways to charge extra for this game. Literally.
Uncle_Sweetshare wrote: »To be honest, I would pay it for a full featured, functioning Battlegrounds, because as of right now I'm out $40 and Battlegrounds is still [snip].
Ihatenightblades wrote: »
Im at endgame dude with 830 cp i dont do story mode and i dont mind having to skyshard hunt for a hour or 2 when i need to
Spending countless hours on something we done a thousand times makes no sense sorry.
You make a alt u get him to 50 and u max out ur skills. Simple.
Thats why i have 10 toons that i got to 50 in a day or so each. ( power leveling )
So we can get to level 50 the highest level in the game in 5-7 hours!!!
But takes countless hours to collect books we ALREADY collected.
Talk to me when u did this on 8 toons
NewBlacksmurf wrote: »
Talk to me when you've done what youve done on two platforms.not counting closed beta doing things 40 times over and 2 years of PTS
850 cp is nothing. ...having multiple Vr 12-14's back befor the exp nerf was something
Being serious tho.
If it's not worth shouldn't matter if you don't want to do it but do want to make more Alts.
Ihatenightblades wrote: »
Skyshards and lore books are different things dude they are located in different areas that would double the time spent nobody needs skyshards these days
NewBlacksmurf wrote: »You're trippin.
How about they just adjust it to being more aligned in the UI like quests or PoIs
DaveMoeDee wrote: »
Skyshards are spread throughout all zones. You can level Mages Guild to max just in your faction's zone. So I think you have your "nobody needs skyshards these days" backwards.