Hey bud, for stamplar currently (and really most classes) there are many viable builds. The balance is pretty amazing now and lots of avenues to being competitive. So with that being the case, speaking to glass cannon stamplar builds, there are 2 core build philosophies right now that I see: stat builds and proc builds.
Stat builds will revolve around building for high damage and sustain values to overwhelm enemies over time, proc builds revolve around layering damage procs to overwhelm enemies in extreme burst windows. I use the former so thats what I'll share.
My build is:
x5 Ravager (chest, legs, necklace, sharpened dual wield, defending 2h axe)
x5 Bone Pirate (gloves, belt, boots, rings)
Preferred undaunted set (Selenes, troll king, or bloodspawn)
Dubious Camoran Stam drink. x1 oblivion damage glyph, x1 disease damage glyph, x1 weapon damage glyph.
With this set up you have fully buffed up approx. 37.k stamina, 4.5k+ damage, 50% crit, and 2k stamina regen. Lets you put out impressive damage while also being able to sustain very well against multiple opponents so long as you maintain heavy attacks.
You can replace ravager with other damage sets to similar affect. But this is my preferred set up because I like the health and crit that ravager affords and I think it is just a bad ass set visually and conceptually.