Armors and roles

So heavy armor is for 1h/shield
Light armor is for magika dual wielders(is that still a thing?) staff users, 1h/shield
Medium armor is for bow dw 1h/shield 2h

So it can be difficult to kill a target that wears Medium armor and uses that broken medium armor skill (passive hit dodge? What is this 2004 mmorpg?) or some other magika build.

It can be difficult to kill a target that wears Light and spams Magika based abilities to stay alive/teleport

... BUT if u wear a heavy armor and u don't hold a 1h/shield weapon you are dead.


Light armor-> HUGE BOOST for magika and magika regen.
Medium armor-> HUGE BOOST for stamina and stamina regen
Heavy armor-> MASSIVE BOOST for HP and reduce cost of blocking/break free.

No armor passives that affect dps. If u want dmg build a gear set that gives u dmg and use the correct armor type for PvP PvE.

Or just leave it as it is. Too hard to improve.
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