Hello. I Play only alone because I got a baby and don't want to leave my team alone in the middle of anything. I'm at the point where I would like to start soloing easy group content, but I need some help
Yesterday I tried to solo the Hircine hunt dvelve, the one with werevolves inside. I managed the trash pretty ok, died 2 times but that's fine. But the boss... wtf he oneshotted me. I tried only 3 times because I had no chance. No time to heal, nothing. Maybe it wasn't oneshot, but almost, and with the adds too, I couldnt do anything but spam shield and die a few seconds later.
So, I need to know how to improve my templar for soloing. My char is like this:
Breton Templar
Full magic (I know I lack health, but all guides tell you to go full magic so I'd like to get health from somewhere else)
On the main bar I use destruction staff with:
wall of elements, puncturin strikes, reflective light, harness magika and inner light for the buff
On the second bar I just got some heals and buffs with a restoration staff (can be improved, but right now against that boss I dont even have time to swap bars)
My gear is some blue sets, with the usual +magika +spell crit +mana reg and so on. Dont even remember which. Sure, they are not the ones from the guides, but at the end they add more or less the same type of set bonuses.
My problem #1 is my low hp. I got 11700 unbuffed. Guides say I need about 17k, not sure if counting buffs or not. Where would be the best place to improve my hp? Change sets for sets with hp bonuses? Or maybe runes?
I'm not sure if that would be enough tho. I get killed so fast. 17k health would help, but still...
My damage to the boss, in the short time I had, didn't look to do much to him either.
Wierd thing is, there's so much difficulty beteween the trash and the boss. I kill them pretty fast and although I dided 2 times, it was always because of a bad timed CC.
Any help to make my templar a nice soloer please?