Hello everyone,
As many of you know, there used to be a time when people could get master weapons by participating in Cyrodiil warfare. For a longest time it is not an option anymore. Implementation of battlegrounds into the game is a great option to indroduce new "one piece set weapons" like Master weapons and Maelstrom weapons.
Some unique, but nice looking - not a curved swords, sword-like looking battleaxes nor reddish steel anywhere(rubedo weapons looks so dumb...), but nice loooking weapons based on looks of real medieval weapons.
Yea, and you dont even need to think about what enchancement it should have, i will tell you: "Reduces damage you take from damage proc sets by 30%" and of course weapon damage/spell damage 189.
Could you make it happened, Zenimax?
KochDerDamonen wrote: »Might as well make them the next actual master/maelstrom weapons. I mean, they already wasted thousands of hours of people's time grinding a solo PvE instance for BiS weapons :^)
Hello everyone,
As many of you know, there used to be a time when people could get master weapons by participating in Cyrodiil warfare. For a longest time it is not an option anymore. Implementation of battlegrounds into the game is a great option to indroduce new "one piece set weapons" like Master weapons and Maelstrom weapons.
Some unique, but nice looking - not a curved swords, sword-like looking battleaxes nor reddish steel anywhere(rubedo weapons looks so dumb...), but nice loooking weapons based on looks of real medieval weapons.
Yea, and you dont even need to think about what enchancement it should have, i will tell you: "Reduces damage you take from damage proc sets by 30%" and of course weapon damage/spell damage 189.
Could you make it happened, Zenimax?
Olupajmibanan wrote: »Completely agree with @Czirne
No, no and no, before they change how current leaderboards work. This grinding emperor-like excrement must go away. When they add leaderboard measuring how the player perform and not how much time he spends playing, than we can start thinking about adjusting rewards.