Maybe some will think this is rant post but to cut story short new warden skill cutting dive/clif racer is pretty stupid. I would even say broken.
For easy spammable skill like that, with dmg that can be quite decent, its pretty OP to make it not dodgable or reflectable. Honestly right now when im 1vxing most of my deaths are contributed to that skill. I'm not some build that can perma block or cloak so i have to take plenty of those birds while trying to reach for los, that is ofc if there is few wardens against me. Which in most cases is.
I know that warden can have crazy burst, and that its easy to prepare it, really nice bufs, survivability... and i dont care about it. I can deal with it. But I cant deal with few wardens just perma spam this skill. And many of them do just that.
Sorc curse is not dodgable or reflectable, but its not instant spamable ability, templar jabs are low range and often dont land all hits, dk ULTI is non dodgable...
Please do something with this skill, its just to much.
I get it that since it is pet some people would object on it being reflectable, but please for the love of God make it dodgable or not possible to spam.
This is actually first time that I write nerf post on forums but i really think its deserved. Its just killing small scale