I am guilty of resurrecting an old post about the topic, but too many didn't join the discussion because they were distracted by the act of necromancy, including a Moderator.
Am I the only one that wonders about the weirdness of the skill lines? With most of the classes it seems like "one of these things is not like the others."
My favorite is the Nightblade: Assassination, Shadow and then Siphoning? So, I am playing a sneaky, stabby thief that also drains life?
I have a similar problem with the Dragonknight's Earthen Heart line, and now the Warden's Winter's Embrace. Seems like the designer's like elementalists so much they spread out their skills among the others.
Mechanically I see the attempt to give all the classes some flexibility, but it just seems wrong.
My main is a templar that only uses her greatsword skills. I have three nightblades that specialize in only one skill line: an assassin that doesn't sneak, a shadow that doesn't assassinate and a siphoner that I think of as more of a necromancer or anti-paladin.
So many of the class lines seem so bleh to me. It's like the designers don't want pure melee builds.
The secret to ESO class design is that there is no class design. Just a mess of "cool and fun abilities" with different color schemes per the lead combat dev.
Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »Assassin that doesn't have steath doesn't make sense to me, seems like you would be a simple mercenary then.
Mystrius_Archaion wrote: »The secret to ESO class design is that there is no class design. Just a mess of "cool and fun abilities" with different color schemes per the lead combat dev.
If only that were the case. /sigh
Give me no classes and no unique skills for specific classes and let me pick whatever I want to do and make it look like fire or ice or light or rocks and whatever color I want and I'll finally be happy.
I miss City of Heroes power customization.
that is probably the most amazing thing i've read in forums yet. Would be awesome to have conjured weapons and actually use my stamina instead of rolling around everywhere in combat just because i canQuebraRegra wrote: »out of cycle, but there should have been BOTH a STAM and MAG morph for each and every skill, and "bound" weapon skill lines as an alternative to staff for MAG.
QuebraRegra wrote: »out of cycle, but there should have been BOTH a STAM and MAG morph for each and every skill, and "bound" weapon skill lines as an alternative to staff for MAG.
The_Conjurer wrote: »I dont see how it would work if this was basically skyrim online. Theres a reason why this generation mmos are so successful and unfortunately classes fall under that reason.
Thanks for the awesome responses.
For the record, I am not saying the design is bad... just kinda wonky. In many ways it is a great improvement over the flavors of fighter, mage, thief and cleric that are older than I. It's interesting that we still struggle with those constructs fifty years later.
My complaints would be that even this class system is restrictive. It's interesting that I avoid the restriction by not playing the classes at all. But, even then all the builds, even my pure two-hander, use magic... Well, that kinda opens up another bag of worms...
QuebraRegra wrote: »out of cycle, but there should have been BOTH a STAM and MAG morph for each and every skill, and "bound" weapon skill lines as an alternative to staff for MAG.