kyle.wilson wrote: »I was playing with 5 kags, 5 spinner, and 1 kena. But, I've never been a fan of playing with pet or proctard builds. I primarily used it for pvp, but periodically I ran trials with it.
I've taken a few months break from the game, I just want to keep up with whats going on in the game.
I see like I do no damage, hardly i move the HP bar from enemy... what im doing wrong? My Crystal Fragments do 10223K damage says in the description.
Any good suggestion?
Im using Spinners and Necro together, not monster set, only head and no other jewlery.
I see like I do no damage, hardly i move the HP bar from enemy... what im doing wrong? My Crystal Fragments do 10223K damage says in the description.
Any good suggestion?
Im using Spinners and Necro together, not monster set, only head and no other jewlery.
How looks now?
Stats are ok now.. you dont need more spell penetration with light armor build. You get enough from light armor, weapon and some from CP.. maybe with elemental drain.
Your spelldamage ist great allready, but with Necropotence you can reach 45k+ Magicka.. Around 48k Magicka you should able to reach. Your resistences are a bit low too..