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New PvPer

I use to play on console (Xbox one) now I have decided to transfer over to PC ESO after a long 5 month break. Have not played in a while and saw that Morrowing is closely getting towards launch day. Wanted to start leveling my character for mostly end-game PvP.

Are archer-stealth type characters good for PVP? I am set on either making an archer, stealth class, a frost staff tank (PVP build), or some type of NB or Templar healer.

Any information or suggestions would be greatly appreciated ;D. Excited to be back playing ESO.
  • datboitodd
    Anyone? Kind of need help... Not very lively forums I guess lol.
  • KingYogi415
    All of those can work.

    Play what to want.

    Getting to level 50 is easy. You should premake all 8 combos and start feeding the horses everyday.
  • davey1107
    The pvp combat forum is less populated. Feel free to post questions like this in players helping players.

    I play a bow stamblade in pvp, so I'll address that. I'm not sure how warden frost tanks play...tanks aren't my specialty.

    Stamblades are very viable right now. You have some flexibility. Bow builds are fun, or you can play a melee build. Alcasthq.com provides builds for both, I think. Right now I'm playing bow.

    The pros are that you're a sneaky, hard to catch ganker who can put out a TON of single target damage. My sheet when I die usually has hits smacking me for ~7k. My buffed snipes routinely land for 13k...it's a bad day when an opening attack hits that hard unless you're a health tank. The con is that you stink up close and personal, and have to learn how to get away and redefine the fight on your terms. And if you get cornered by 2+ players, you're likely to end up nightblade jam. The build involves a lot of sneaking and high-adrenaline assassination attempts.

    In pvp I run hawks eye and marksman with a single piece of kraghs. I think this setup is going to rock in Morrowind because both sets reduce skill costs and have always had amazing resource management. It's possible I'll bring the new siphoning attack stam return ability into the bar...not sure.

    There'll probably be some shifts in the meta as Morrowind sets in. Overall, I'm optimistic that NBs will fare well. The nerfs hit us too, but honestly the CP power creep was helping other classes more. NBs have good resource regen options, so I think we'll be good.

    If you have specific questions, respond in this thread but include @davey1107 so the forum will ping me and I'll come back and answer if I can.

  • soll
    if you want to play archer, you would be able to make lot's of single target damage, but only aside of the fight, because in this set up you would be very squishy, so if someone finds you – good luck. Honestly, archers are my favorite frags to kill, because they are weak in melee. also, feels so funny, when some archer kills himself with reflected snipes.

    but you can try. sets are very easy to obtain, and otherwise, if you not going to like it, you can switch your stam nb for other build. in pvp they are strong now.
    EU PC
    I like to heal
    Triggered Tryhards/ HighRisk
    EP – Sollencia
    AD – Sollencia Overdose
    When you've invested time and money into a company, you have the right to be upset over changes that will negatively affect your experience and gameplay.

  • Vapirko
    Sounds like stamblade would be a good choice since that could combine bow and stealth build. Your build will depend heavily on whether you want to go full on gank builds (something like clever alchemist+spriggans), kite build (eternal hunt+viper or other damage set), or some other build that is capable of more sustain in a melee fight.
  • method__01
    just press Ctrl

    PC EU/NA /// PS4 EU/NA

    This one hears nothing. Sees nothing. This one only sweeps.
    desperately need a survey assistant
  • Woyb
    I'm a pure Stamblade and I love it so much. To me it's the one class with the biggest gap in skill between new NB's and experienced ones. I'm a top 20 nightblade overall in my campaign so I'm somewhat experienced at this point. But even I wouldn't say I'm a veteran yet. I consider myself an archer first. Nightblade second. I use 5 sheer Venom. 5 Senche and 1 Bloodspawn or Kena. Depending on how I feel. Snipe is for noob nightblades so don't use it in PVP unless you want someone to focus on you immediately. Poison injection, cloak, and dodge rolling are your best friends. With the update burst is becoming less attainable and damage over time is becoming more viable. So I've mixed the burst of a senche nightblade with the damage over time from poison injection, double health damage poisons on weapons, and my sheer venom set. (Viper is fine placeholder)
    You have to make sure you're paying attention to the best of your abilities. Come around behind a zerg and start to focus down healers and players giving the most trouble. You are the ultimate disruption in a battlefield. Able to kill a key player in the fight relatively quickly. You just have to know what you're doing.
  • datboitodd
    I went ahead and made a Fire MagDK dark elf build.
    Thanks for the inputs thou. Might as well make my wood elf sharpshooter on the side
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