I was playing ESO on my normal settings - full screen, 1600x900, most things set to high - and running between 30-60 fps (usually high 50's) throughout the day yesterday without any trouble (and have been for weeks/months).
However, after turning the game off for awhile in late afternoon/early evening, I booted it back up last night and had single-digit fps (4-7) on the character loading screen and in-game as well. I then tried playing World of Warships, which again, normally runs 55-60 fps, but was now stuck between 4-8.
Thinking it might be my graphics card overheating, checked Precision XOC, but it said the card was only ~45 C, while my other monitors said the motherboard CPU was only 38 C.
I turned it all off for the night and decided to try again this morning, but had the same problems - temperatures are well-within normal levels, no settings have been changed on my end (unless Windows did an update I don't know about), but still - every game I try runs <10 fps: Warframe, World of Warships, Diablo III, Elder Scrolls Online... everything. Further, when I alt-tab out to check the temperatures, the stuttering remains - there's a lot of hitching when I move the mouse around, for example.
When I quit whatever game I'm in - the computer operation returns to normal.
According to Task Manager, there are no processes running that are using an inordinate amount of the CPU, which is nowhere near 100% even for the game I have open.
I've also made sure that all the games are being allowed through Windows Defender and likewise that all the xbox service *** is turned off too.
Any ideas on things I can try or settings I can play around with?
When I was trying settings in-game last night - the only one that made any difference on fps was the SubSampling Quality - when set to low it made a marginal improvement in FPS (brought it up to mid-20's) - no other setting changed anything with regards to the stuttering.
To me, it almost feels like the computer isn't offloading enough to the graphics card, but I have no clue if this is remotely accurate - and again, to the best of my knowledge nothing was changed on my end between when the games ran perfectly fine yesterday during the day and when they started all stuttering last night.