breath of life bug

Casting breath of life on move the the character stops, the higher the ping the longer the stop. Its huge nerf of templar gameplay.
  • Kungfu
    I started encountering this a week or two back, as well. Its this a known issue?

    My templar stops briefly after each cast of BoL.
  • sevenstorkmati
    I've noticed this as well, although it happens only rarely.
  • FlyLionel
    Can confirm as well.
    The Flyers
  • ForsakenSin
    Yhea what da hell is going on?

    Just used my healer last night since morrowind came out and my group nearly whipe out cos i could not keep up running with them and casting breath of life the stupid character stops in when its cast by that time the group is already up ahead


    so damm angry
    Edited by ForsakenSin on July 18, 2017 10:55PM
    "By many i am seen as a savior of the Tamriel i will not stop until every Daedra every evil there is in Tamriel is vanquish by my hands..
    However i do this for my own purpose to gain trust of mortals to worship me and to eliminate my competition i will not bend my knee to lead your army to serve you Molag Bal , i will simply just take it from you.."--- Forsaken Sin( Magica Sorc)

    Arise From Darkness Forsaken SIn
    "You have been a loyal High Elf Magica Sorc
    Conjure of Darkness, Master of Magic
    Killer of Molag Bal and Savior of Ebonheart Pact
    Until Dark Brotherhood killed you...
    but now..NOW its time to Arise From Darkness once again..."

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