One is an MMO and balanced as such and the other is a single player game and balanced as such. Regardless of one's feelings of the chapter, I feel it quite unfair to compare the two.
One is an MMO and balanced as such and the other is a single player game and balanced as such. Regardless of one's feelings of the chapter, I feel it quite unfair to compare the two.
andreasranasen wrote: »When you've invested time and money into a company, you have the right to be upset over changes that will negatively affect your experience and gameplay.
milesrodneymcneely2_ESO wrote: »At least with ES3, you got a proper introduction to Vvardenfell.
On my main, I have no reason to go there. Not even a quest to link me to the new content.
And if I sound bitter, it's coming out right.
Narvuntien wrote: »TES III is actually unplayable without mods. Walking everywhere no fast travel, truely horrendous combat system. bad graphics obviously. I couldn't even get close to finishing the thing. It is such archaic game design that it makes modern eyes bleed. It is high literiture of gaming, its like lord of the rings, actually a serious slog to get through but apperently it is worth it... although I don't know because I couldn't finish it.
Keep in mind I played it after I played skyrim and not within its original gaming context.
I can actually play ESO morrowind regaudless of what else I think about it. It doesn't have the grand scope of TES III since it is within another larger game so its not really a fair fight.
If you're referring to "The Lost Prophecy" I finished that before the expansion went live.SirCritical wrote: »Btw there is quite a nice quest, leading you to Vvardenfell.
milesrodneymcneely2_ESO wrote: »If you're referring to "The Lost Prophecy" I finished that before the expansion went live.SirCritical wrote: »Btw there is quite a nice quest, leading you to Vvardenfell.
If you're referring to the one you click from the DLC menu, I can't get the "Invitation to Morrowind" on any other character than the one I first logged into when the patch went live.
As some others have said you can't really compare the over all products because they're designed for different things.
If you want to choose a specific part we can say.
Story? TES 3
Graphics? ESO Morrowind
Yes, and also because the first Morrowind was an entire stand-alone game, not a DLC, so therefore had more quests, delves and the like to explore and do. ESO: Morrowind is awesome and I love it, but there isn't as much content compared with the original.Flameheart wrote: »You forgot the option:
"Sorry my poll was stupid, because I forgot that Elder Scrolls Morrowind and ESO Morrowind are two totally different game designs (single player RPG vs. MMO) and it is therefore sheer impossible to compare them, alone due to the fact, that MMOs have to satisfy much more needs and wishes as just "open worldness, game play, interesting characters".