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Swimming in a Sea of Pee PS4 scourge

Oh look! Gooch is the emperor......again!! Alright, I know the guy is great at what he does, but being destro ulti down a few times changes a person.

I need to find a new home. Or play as yellow so can feel that win again. Our strong Daggerfall leaders have lost heart and got out of town. It's not the same :'(

I only recently started getting into PvP, but it's a been a bad week. Being absolutely outnumbered and crushed at every turn.....makes us want to stick with Dungeons and Trials.
  • GreenSoup2HoT
    As a dc player of scourge theres 1 thing you should know, many of the core dc players either got banned (lol) or have taken a break until morrowwind comes out. I recently started getting in the swing of things since i took a break and was playing Ark survival since homestead release.

    Gooch was dc but even he realized it would be impossible to get emperor on dc with our population. So he took the easy wayout, went to the most populated faction, slapped on destro ulty and farmed ap until he got emperor.

    Dont sweat it. Dont worry about this campaign either. Just push EP and ignore yellow. There is literally no point trying to push against a pop locked faction when dc/ep only has 1-2 bars at most.
    PS4 NA DC
  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    Dont sweat it. Dont worry about this campaign either. Just push EP and ignore yellow.

    This is not a very intelligent thing to say. Just ask @TequilaFire and @dotme EP is getting bullied by yellow too. They don't need DC jumping on their backs.

    The correct answer is;
    DC and EP gang up on AD
    Edited by Takes-No-Prisoner on May 31, 2017 1:00PM
  • GreenSoup2HoT
    Dont sweat it. Dont worry about this campaign either. Just push EP and ignore yellow.

    This is not a very intelligent thing to say. Just ask @TequilaFire and @dotme EP is getting bullied by yellow too. They don't need DC jumping on their backs.

    The correct answer is;
    DC and EP gang up on AD

    Any time dc pushes against ad their met with 2 pvp guilds and a destro ult emp.

    It may be not intelligent towards winning a campaign but why fight a fight you cant win. Id rather fight reds and go back and forth with bleaker all day then get wiped over and over due to population.
    PS4 NA DC
  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    Only someone who gives up, picks on the guy who does not even have the population to fight back.

    Take the fight to the guy who is the strongest, that is the true way to L2P against being outnumbered.

    AD forced itself to do it against DC when they were at their strongest, so where is DC at now that AD is at their strongest??
    Edited by Takes-No-Prisoner on May 31, 2017 1:17PM
  • RoyalPink06
    @kylewwefan have you tried getting in on gawdly's group? he has a pretty active DC only PVP guild, maybe give him a shout and see whats up? Although I think he's more active in skull right now, but there are groups within his guild that run scourge.
    NA PS4
  • dotme
    Yeah @geonsocal ran as EP last night and here's his morning report:
    geonsocal wrote: »
    ...spent the last 20 minutes or so around the gate of ghartok fighting to save our last scroll, it worked for awhile...

    finally AD took it, then savagely stayed beyond to simply and inexplicably farm us...

    at some point each night I'll call it quits - sometimes though that can be decided by another alliance...

    tonight not only did I get killed a bunch at the end (seriously, I kept getting rezzed and then killed again over and over, not fun :o ) - i was defeated off of the map...

    oh man...

    Edit: just checked, there's s group of AD on the other side of the wall at the southern morrowind gate...that's just cruel :)


    AD is so bored they're reduced to farming EP as they jump off the wall at their gates. I'm not a quitter, but EP last won Scourge in October 2016 and we've been last in every campaign since. So many of my friends from Accolytes have either quit ESO completely or rolled Yellows (which only makes the problem worse). I run with Warriors these days - great guild and a wonderful group of people, but it's clear they're discouraged too and I see fewer and fewer of them in Scourge as time goes on.

    ZOS has, IMHO, truly screwed up PVP. Allowing faction-swapping, no real-time checks on population (leading to the queue exploit) and a Destro-Ult with a truly ridiculous radius in the hands of an Emp and his group, have all led to a truly miserable experience for DC and EP faithful on PS4 NA.

    Piling onto the winning side kills campaigns and I'm starting to think the best thing DC and EP could do right now is walk away, and let AD play with themselves on a completely yellow map with absolutely nothing to do...
  • Tenn60
    AD has always been the most populated server. It is just, like said before, a lot of people, myself included, are taking breaks. The competitiveness went down a whole lot from azura being the big 30 day on PS4 to scourge. A lot of D.C.'s players and guilds started getting bored, i think at least in my own personal experience, with how we were winning in scourge and it has definitely led to poor strategy, switching more to an ap farm than a true fight. Ad also has the big pvp guilds and D.C. Has switched almost to primarily pug groups (which isn't bad, but you lose communication and from what I see when I am in, a definite difference in organization overall). I'm definitely part of the problem, as pvp hasn't been fun from a strategy side for me for a while, but you just have to find what makes the game fun for you and when the game isn't fun it's time to take a break. Just my two cents everyone has different opinions.
  • kylewwefan
    Haha. It's more than boredom. It's frustrating not being able to do anything.

    My small group of merry men and women tried to take resources at BRK and other obscure targets after beating head to wall at ash. 3 reds come out to play then 30+ yellow come from nowhere. OVER A RESOURCE!?

    Can't even stomach going to fight at ash, nickel or roe. The yellow Swarm is too much.

    I try get into Gawdly group. His are always full. He's like the new madden.
  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    If Gawdly's group is full, why not coordinate with them?

    If you are off taking resources at one connecting keep, while he attacks another, it is very crippling to the alliance being attacked.
  • TequilaFire
    AD has always had a large population which I could stomach before.
    The problem now is the core emp group at the top of AD are just bullying the other alliances and thinking of themselves rather than the health of the campaign.

    DC you guys should stop pushing our home keep Chalman and push down to Ash and the west side more.
    EP could then concentrate on pushing down the BRK to Alessia corridor .

    After we each have our respective side of the map, then we can obliterate each other. ;)

    Edited by TequilaFire on May 31, 2017 4:56PM
  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    AD has always had a large population which I could stomach before.
    The problem now is the core emp group at the top of AD are just bullying the other alliances and thinking of themselves rather than the health of the campaign.

    DC you guys should stop pushing our home keep Chalman and push down to Ash and the west side more.
    EP could then concentrate on pushing down the BRK to Alessia corridor .

    After we each have our respective side of the map, then we can obliterate each other. ;)

    As long as AD can occasionally take Bleakers, then yes, yes this 1.0
  • TequilaFire
    Well in my scenario we were letting you keep your gate keeps and Brindle. lol
  • Publius_Scipio
  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    Ok fine, new plan, as long as we can occasionally cap Dragonclaw, we should be good then. We have a weird unyielding love for a keep we never get to see.

    I can count on my fingers how often I visit that keep :worried::worried::worried::worried::worried: Why that's more then the times I have visited Alessia's bridge!
  • brtomkin
    In less than a week there will only be one CP campaign, so every PS4 PVPer that wants to play with their CPs will be in that campaign. So, I expect there will be 6 bars of yellow, 6 bars of red, and 5 bars of blue. Oh, wait...

    Edited by brtomkin on May 31, 2017 6:02PM
    PS5 NA: Pickmans__Model, CP 2000+
  • TequilaFire

    lol You would love what is going on in PS4 Scourge AD reminds me of how the old EP Havoc used to behave.
  • geonsocal
    AD has always had a large population which I could stomach before.
    The problem now is the core emp group at the top of AD are just bullying the other alliances and thinking of themselves rather than the health of the campaign.

    and the winner is: very well said sir...
    DC you guys should stop pushing our home keep Chalman and push down to Ash and the west side more.
    EP could then concentrate on pushing down the BRK to Alessia corridor .

    After we each have our respective side of the map, then we can obliterate each other. ;)

    i've experienced it myself playing DC (more often than i'd like) - that mount ride from glademist or aleswell to ash is brutal...if you don't have at least a group of 20 or so - you're just not taking ash back - it feels pretty freaking hopeless when you have only 1 or 2 bars and you're trying to kick a pop locked faction out of ash...

    it's really hard, and the long ride doesn't exactly boost your confidence or willingness to go fight for it...

    much, much easier to simply head east from southern high rock gate and try to fight an opponent that you're more evenly matched with...

    when looking at the faction relationships in scourge at the moment - i think this sums it up fairly well :)
    Edited by geonsocal on May 31, 2017 6:00PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Takes-No-Prisoner

    lol You would love what is going on in PS4 Scourge AD reminds me of how the old EP Havoc used to behave.


    Oh I member how much I hated EP during those dark days 1.0 Then I got over myself 1.0
  • TequilaFire
    When I was on PC in the early days I was AD and Manoken sp? was always AD top dog. lol
  • The_Duke
    kylewwefan wrote: »
    Oh look! Gooch is the emperor......again!! Alright, I know the guy is great at what he does, but being destro ulti down a few times changes a person.

    I need to find a new home. Or play as yellow so can feel that win again. Our strong Daggerfall leaders have lost heart and got out of town. It's not the same :'(

    I only recently started getting into PvP, but it's a been a bad week. Being absolutely outnumbered and crushed at every turn.....makes us want to stick with Dungeons and Trials.

    Before destro Ult Gooch didnt really exist. Not to the level he is now. It doesn't take alot of skill to run destro trains with a pocket healer on a nightblade. Its productive but not exactly a fun way to play in my opinion.
    The Duke


    Guild leader of The Dukes. PS4
  • The-Baconator
    As a dc player of scourge theres 1 thing you should know, many of the core dc players either got banned (lol) or have taken a break until morrowwind comes out. I recently started getting in the swing of things since i took a break and was playing Ark survival since homestead release.

    Gooch was dc but even he realized it would be impossible to get emperor on dc with our population. So he took the easy wayout, went to the most populated faction, slapped on destro ulty and farmed ap until he got emperor.

    Dont sweat it. Dont worry about this campaign either. Just push EP and ignore yellow. There is literally no point trying to push against a pop locked faction when dc/ep only has 1-2 bars at most.

    The Fallen Lords are not gone, merely sleeping. Soon though, when the bells of Vivec beckon, they shall rise from the ash and make haste to drive the mongrel dogs from our lands and restore Cyrodiil to it's full glory.
    Also they may be returning on main accounts, only time will tell though.
    First PS4 NA Grand Overlord, Stormproof, and Flawless Conqueror.
    Potato Lord of Atrocity
  • GreenSoup2HoT
    As a dc player of scourge theres 1 thing you should know, many of the core dc players either got banned (lol) or have taken a break until morrowwind comes out. I recently started getting in the swing of things since i took a break and was playing Ark survival since homestead release.

    Gooch was dc but even he realized it would be impossible to get emperor on dc with our population. So he took the easy wayout, went to the most populated faction, slapped on destro ulty and farmed ap until he got emperor.

    Dont sweat it. Dont worry about this campaign either. Just push EP and ignore yellow. There is literally no point trying to push against a pop locked faction when dc/ep only has 1-2 bars at most.

    The Fallen Lords are not gone, merely sleeping. Soon though, when the bells of Vivec beckon, they shall rise from the ash and make haste to drive the mongrel dogs from our lands and restore Cyrodiil to it's full glory.
    Also they may be returning on main accounts, only time will tell though.

    Im the only one in that guild whos online. Doubt it xD
    PS4 NA DC
  • Brutusmax1mus
    As a dc player of scourge theres 1 thing you should know, many of the core dc players either got banned (lol) or have taken a break until morrowwind comes out. I recently started getting in the swing of things since i took a break and was playing Ark survival since homestead release.

    Gooch was dc but even he realized it would be impossible to get emperor on dc with our population. So he took the easy wayout, went to the most populated faction, slapped on destro ulty and farmed ap until he got emperor.

    Dont sweat it. Dont worry about this campaign either. Just push EP and ignore yellow. There is literally no point trying to push against a pop locked faction when dc/ep only has 1-2 bars at most.

    He is going for Grand warlord on every faction, he didn't drop for those reasons.

    Dc had 3 bars for the 6 hours i played yesterday. I haven't seen Santos or bacon lately though. Maybe they gave up on this campaign.

    The communication on ad had been pushing the past 2 campaigns. MichAng especially. I don't see that on the EP or dc side nearly as much.

    Ads groups are making an effort to win the campaign while dc is making an effort to farm ap. I was at a resource on dc side for my play time yesterday and it would be a 24 man group responding. That's a huge gigantic idiotic waste of man power due to poor leadership imo.
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