I've recently started Queuing up for battlegrounds, and have gotten in about 7 matches so far. The queue times for me have been under 2 minutes each time for the groups to start forming, some about 4 minutes. Occasionally it'll say "player has declined" and I get sent to the front of the queue and another group forms pretty darn quickly.
I have solo queued for all of these, and so far it seems like the Battlegrounds Queue is working fine. However, that does not seem to hold true for various other players in the forum, so, I would like to ask you:
What's the issue you've got with the Battlegrounds Queue? What is happening exactly? Are you solo queue, group? What's your ping like? Your megaserver?
My situation is:
Solo Queue
PC NA Megaserver
Latency around 120ms
Queue times are around 5 minutes at max. Teams are normally balanced numbers wise (though occasionally teams are filled more quickly than others, games occasionally start with 2 people per team).
Edited by Avran_Sylt on May 31, 2017 4:25AM