Faced this problem today (first day, when I took my new warden in Cyro). Feels exactly like old gap closer bug, however, ZOS said they fixed it? Look like not. It happens not always, but pretty often for such annoying bug– at 2,5 hours got it 4 times in different places and terrains: keeps, plains, rocks and hills. Usually it happens when you chain yourself to the long distances on the edge of the radius of the skill.
First I thought that reason for it is that I was moving too fast by foot for the game: on the new character slow horse is a painful, so I was chaining myself to my guild mates on the horses constantly, and it was funny and fancy way of moving as fast as best mount, when your horse speed is just and you not even using it 3
However, then 2 times it happens without any horse interactions.
please consider and take a look.
I like to heal
Triggered Tryhards/ HighRisk
EP – Sollencia
AD – Sollencia Overdose
When you've invested time and money into a company, you have the right to be upset over changes that will negatively affect your experience and gameplay.