Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

Jewelry Crafting

Allow me to propose how jewelry crafting should be implemented. It's not advanced at all.


You can craft amulets and rings in the Apparel section of Blacksmithing – or a new section could be added. All current passives apply and all current ores and ingots are used to craft jewelry. Jewelry can be deconstructed.



Three traits can be applied to jewelry: Robust (Stamina), Arcane (Magicka) and Healthy (Health). Three new trait gems are introduced. When researching the traits, current cooldown timers apply – as well as the Metallurgy passive.


As there are only three traits, one researched trait allows you to craft three trait set piece jewelry, two researched traits allows you to craft six trait set piece jewelry, etc.


You are able to customize your jewelry with styles. New icons for the current forty-nine craftable motifs should be made. Here are some jewelry icons already in-game:

Amulets: ON-icon-jewelry-Amulet.png(Source), ON-icon-jewelry-Horn_Amulet.png(Source), ON-icon-jewelry-Bird_Amulet.png(Source), ON-icon-misc-Spell_Lattice.png(Source), ON-icon-jewelry-Pendant.png(Source), ON-icon-achievement-Humanoid.png(Source), ON-icon-stolen-Amulet.png(Source).

Rings: ON-icon-jewelry-Ring.png(Source), ON-icon-stolen-Ring.png(Source), entitlement_002.png(Source), ON-icon-jewelry-Star_Ring.png(Source).

Next up: improve all crafted sets.

Edited by SanderBuraas on June 2, 2018 9:53AM
  • SaintSubwayy
    I'd love to see Jewelrycrafting would come to life thou.
    However there are 2 things i want to point out about your idea on how this should work.

    First of all the research time is way to low, in ~2 days you'd be able to craft 9trait Items which is in no comparison to the current researchtimes on live now.

    i think it'd make more sense for the first trait it takes 1 week, the second takes 2 weeks and the third 3weeks. Else you'd have it in notime ^^

    Second concern is the styles....since you dont eve see the rings when wearing them there'd be no sense to introduce styles to Jewelry. If jewelry becomes visibale then ofc styles would be awesome.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno pls take intern a look at this, many ppl would love to see jewelrycrafting ingame. Furthermore it would help in builddiversity when you could run crafted sets on jewelry.

    PC EU
    vAA HM / vHRC HM / vSO HM / vMoL HM / vHoF HM / vAS HM / vCR HM / vSS HM / vKA HM

    Flawless Conqueror / Immortal Redeemer / Dawnbringer / Griphon Heart / Master Angler / Spirit Slayer

  • Farscape76
    Good job on a well constructed and well thought out concept.

    I would love to see Jewelry Crafting become a reality. It would be awesome to run two 5 piece Crafted sets.
    CP 1200+ Xbox - NA - Ebonheart Pact
    Dargo Crichton - VR16/lvl 50 StamDK - Stormproof
    Talon Crichton - lvl 50 Stamsorc
    Kara Crichton - lvl 50 StamDK
    Erza Crichton - lvl 50 MagDK
  • DigitalEulogy
    I would love to see this as well. IIRC people have been asking of this for a long time. Don't remember if there was ever an official response to this.
  • ookami007
    I've been waiting for jewelcrafting, but there are a few issues.

    1) Rings have no visible appear, so motifs don't apply.

    2) The number of traits on jewelry are severly limited, so perhaps instead of treating it like carpentry, blacksmithing, etc. treat it more like enchanting. Use green gem + blue gem = robust, red gem + green gem = arcane, etc.

    3) There would need to be additional crafting stations at the various set locations that would allow you to craft the various set jewelry.

    Interesting concepts but we'd have to flesh it out more.
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