Del - Reworking Idea/Concept

Previous Title:
Should Indirect Damage be Orange, rather than DoTs? Should Some DoTs be considered Direct Damage?

For Example:

Wall of elements deals damage directly from its own area over time, however this area was set by the player. So while the area is dealing direct damage to targets in it, the player is dealing indirect damage as the ability is "fire-and-forget". The same is true for poisons and what not. They are Indirect/Indirect DoTs

Abilities like Soul assault, Radiant Destruction, Rapid Fire, should all be considered Direct Damage DoTs as they are not Fire and Forget.

My suggestion would be: abilities require an animation to complete to be Direct Damage, and abilities that have "fire-and-forget" components to be indirect damage.
Edited by Avran_Sylt on May 28, 2017 8:29PM

Del - Reworking Idea/Concept 3 votes

Sounds Good
ChandraNalaarSovjetTheRealPotoroo 3 votes
Leave it as it is
I Don't Care
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