Avran_Sylt wrote: »Recently trying this out on a target dummy. used Wall of elements about 10 times, not once did it proc the Nerien'eth Set. Then auto'ed the target for a few seconds and it procced.
I understand that it is a DoT, but why is the damage it deals not orange text?
I have much the same issue with Volley, and Caltrops.
Avran_Sylt wrote: »@exeeter702
I am indeed a nightblade, and am also aware of the twisiting path issue. It's just that so much of how damage is dealt in this game is inconsistent. I'd love to see it standardized.
Such that no ability can deal damage that is both Direct and Indirect (unless there are separate damage instances). and subcategories inherit the direct/indirect attributes when used.
They'd probably have to add in a new color scheme though.
exeeter702 wrote: »Avran_Sylt wrote: »Recently trying this out on a target dummy. used Wall of elements about 10 times, not once did it proc the Nerien'eth Set. Then auto'ed the target for a few seconds and it procced.
I understand that it is a DoT, but why is the damage it deals not orange text?
I have much the same issue with Volley, and Caltrops.
A little hard to explain but technically it's because those skills ie ground based aoe skills operate in a different modifier. They are treated as direct damage and essentially behaves as if it's a new damage source every tick.
Tool tips they say "deals x damage every second for y seconds" behave like this.
Tool tips that say "deals x damage over y seconds" are proper dots that will display in orange text.
There is more too it and some skills behave as dots in regards to thaumatruge and damage over time vs direct damage modifiers while others don't. Either way that is simply why you are seeing the combat text in those colors. It is a a bit of a mess to be honest.
Not sure if you are a nightblade but if you test twisting path for example it is treated as a direct damage spell which procs the scathing mage set and should as well proc nerieneth.