If you ever do crafting, for yourself or for others, this is a great addon for you! It lets you easily make sets of gear of yourself, or other players, at *any* quality! You can even access the UI from anywhere, so you'll never have to worry about forgetting an order again!
Once you've added a piece to the crafting queue, the addon will craft it when you arrive at a station where it can do so, assuming you have the knowledge and materials to make it. English, French, and German are currently fully translated. Japanese, as well as any other languages should work, but with only a partially translated UI.
To download, check out minion, or visit
You can also check out my other addons, including the Writ Crafter
Edited by Dolgubon on May 25, 2017 11:00AM Relthion: CP810 DK Tank - vMOL HM, vHOF HM, vAS HM, vCR +2
Malorson: CP810 Mag Sorc - vMOL HM, vHOF, vAS HM
Dolgubon's Lazy Writ CrafterDolgubon's Lazy Set Crafter