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Please remove battleground deserter penalty until queuing system fixed

Just tried battlegrounds for the first time on live server and had a lot of fun for a couple hours.

Every match was queuing up in less than 10 seconds, and all the teams seemed about even. I know some have complained about proc sets or poisons, etc, but I didn't have that experience, didn't even hardly see any of these on death recap the entire time. Teams were pretty even, seemed like no premades, just randoms and it was fun as hell. At first there were a bit more people participating than my experience on PTS, but eventually I kept seeing the same names over and over. I assume the pool is still pretty small, so I was impressed that the teams were so evenly matched.

Unfortunately after it got to be around midnight pacific time, the population seemed to drop off a bit and there were a few false start matches in a row. Then I was in loading screen and the spinning Ouroboros icon disappeared, and I could hear what sounded like other players starting the match, but the static loading screen was still on my screen and I couldn't move or type.

Instead of fully loading into the match I got kicked back out to PVE area and was hit with the 20 minute battleground deserter penalty. Waited the 20 minutes and then a few matches later exited at the end of a match and then got battleground deserter penalty again (for some reason this time it was 13 minutes instead of 20). It seems to keep occurring if there is a loading screen problem during the previous match.

I hope you guys can consider removing this penalty. I had so much fun in battlegrounds that this is all I want to do. I don't want to do any other activity, so when I'm hit with the penalty the reaction is well, perhaps I should simply exit the game.

If it's not possible to completely remove the deserter penalty, perhaps adjust this so that inactivity or game crash etc, doesn't result in this penalty, only actively leaving in the middle of a match.

Also would be nice if XP rewards and AP rewards got a massive boost for battlegrounds players. Not currently enough to level up new characters or buy anything with AP such as monster helms from the Golden Vendor.

Edited by IcyDeadPeople on May 25, 2017 9:42AM
  • Derra
    I´ve managed to get into 1 bg with ~70 minutes of queuetime with my grp.

    Add that you can´t queue from cyro and well - I don´t think there´s a reason to try again.
    Edited by Derra on May 25, 2017 10:05AM
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • Jawasa
    For me it also takes a very long time to get a game in is there no players in bg's on eu?

    I tried solo, group of 2,3 and 4. QAllways seem to get a game up then waiting for 1 player says he declined and just puts us back in line. This happens up to 20 times before I can get a game in. This pretty much kills bg's for me atm.

    I assumed it was a bug but maybe we don't have any players on EU?
  • Rickter
    BGs are broken. period. Will need another 1-3 months before its really solid. if not longer.

    But I also believe ESO players are accustomed to this as we played ESO beta the first year of its launch.

    with that being said im going to share my experience from last night:

    2 teams, 8 players total queueing up at the same time. Both team's queue was 23 mins and going - this was 9:37PM. It was getting late. Farming weeds/dueling in between when you really just want to pvp was getting old. During this time the readycheck appeared SEVERAL times and even though we pressed "F" we continued to get a message stating: "You or someone in your group declined the invitation" or something like that. I got understandably frustrated, and attempted to 2 person queue instead of 4 person queueing. But one of my guildies convinced me that if you travel to your Homestead and queue in there, it would work. We regrouped then ported to homesteads and boom it queued instantly and we enter a match.

    My guild, Requiem, had two groups going. The first match we played, it was CTF. Against King Richard nonetheless. So im sure it was all streamed. We were in the lead. Im casting rapids on the flag carrier, @Grimlok_S , we are protecting him. Suddenly myself and another member of the team are instantly in a load screen. We are placed in Wayrest and we have a deserter's penalty.

    meanwhile, Group two's queue never popped. So Tryst says, "can we just. . pvp?" and it was a sigh of relief - we go into Cyrodiil NO CP PVP 30 DAY SOTHA SIL with a group of 9 strong and fought off the Were Wolf Wednesday horde!! or got mauled by them lol. Overworld Cyro > BGs

    If BGs didnt have a Bloodletter title and a cool red dye- i probably would never do them. i just need 130 more kills in TDM. . .
    PC | NA | DC
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    vAA HM | vHRC HM | vSO HM | vMA | vDSA | vMoL | ALL Vet 4 Man Dungeons

  • Poliwrath
    wtb 2nd hotfix
  • Prince_of_all_Pugs
    its so bad and it randomly kicks people too please fix!
  • Grimlok_S
    Chiming in to confirm, the kick was really dumb.

    My team mates were removed for playing the objective while the other two teams were distracted with each other.

    We went from a solid 4v4v4 competitive CTF to a weak lopsided 2v4v4, and lost after having the lead, 4-3-1.

    This kick suggests you should focus on fighting in a CTF, which.. isn't the point of the game.
    Light Attack Hero

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    Stam NB
    Bomb NB
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