So, having gone through the 3 years of ESO history in as few paragraphs as possible, I look back and what I see is a company that did give me what I needed in incremental upgrades. Many players fear that the monetization system of the Crown Store will push the game towards microtransaction hell as it inches closer and closer to Free to Play. So far, I have been very satisfied, and in the three years I have played I have bought a grand total of 1 thing from the Crown Store: A vendor assistant during the One Tamriel set gold rush. To me, this means that players don’t necessarily need to use the store or spend money to get great value out of the game, and if you’re willing to put in the time or effort you can obtain the same rewards with gameplay or simply by farming gold and purchasing from other players.

During all this time, many changes have been done to the main class I play, and many times for the worse, but still enjoyed the game for it’s many opportunities. I quested and explored until there was not one undiscovered location in all of Tamriel. When PvE got boring, I went into Cyrodiil and helped win campaigns and get myself delicious gold jewelry gear. When PvP got bad because of a class nerf I didn’t like, I immersed myself in the DLCs, completed all the veteran dungeons and pledges, found every lorebook. When I got tired of walking aimlessly, I returned to Cyrodiil to find the new Town mechanics had changed spawns and all for the better. When that became stale, I went back to Anchors and Dungeons and farmed gear or traded with others to fill my gold coffers to purchase a house. All of this and I still have motifs to finish, trials to master, and fish to catch! I don’t see myself stopping anytime soon.
So Morrowind is just around the corner, and given the care Zenimax has taken of the game, and how they have kept me around for this long simply by slowly adding activities and making sure I always have something to do, I am genuinely excited and hoping they can keep this up and the store out of the way for another 3 more years! If you haven’t given ESO a try yet, I strongly recommend you do. The game has never been better than it is now, and it shows very few signs of slowing down.