vvhy does a certain sexy dark elf assassin not remember events of dark brotherhood dlc (if playing older char), she acts like you are not an assassin and stuff
and if her male parter talks to u , jokes about the brotherhood, etc u have no option to say u an assassin too
dont tell me its cuz its an other dlc, cuz in dark brotherhood, u get extra option/lines if u got that paper from orsinium,
bonus question for 25 points, how vvill it vvork vvith vvarden in deshaan with naryu as it will meet naryu in vvardenfell first now
every char has a story
anne-susan ...breton sorch DC
seline kay .... bosmer dk AD
julia-noor ...bosmer temp DC
elle wolf .... breton temp AD
Mari-Lynn.... woodelf nb AD former empress
Mari-chan... woodelf warden AD
(and more chars)