whenever i am nearly full and has some placeable house items, and then attemp to recall to nearest town vendors, forcing to sit and wait until it cost 147g.
not fond of hassle of running back to clean up my packbag or bank.
i dont have bigger resources for larger homes that are near or in towns with banks and easy reach to thieves refugee bases. i cant afford and i already started not long enough to have 2-3 million Gs, barely at 100k Gs.
running are full of tempations if i see chest or troves and i am nearly full to loot. not very nice.
recalling to home bases shouldnt penalized to have cost to recall to wayshrines after visiting the homes.
i could understand if there was an exploit if someone use shrines very recent and then use home recall to reset, but should had timer suspend while in homes, or as recall clock expired if staying in home for 5-10 mins, then no penalies.