I'll live with the CP system changes, I'll deal with the sustain issues, I'll adapt my combat play style (re: light/heavy attacks) and relearn a rotation but Im having a hard time with the progress lost as I NEEDED to respec TWO morphs cuz of the said changes! Im C694 and never had to respec my morphs till today. I know that in a previous patch, abilities swapped places... like Poison Arrow vs Snipe. I had the Poison Arrow morphed into Venom Arrow (maxed out) for ages, it was my only ranged interrupt ability! I heard, and now can confirm, that leveling skills takes longer with Morrowind... before, we could just slot an ability and level it. Not anymore eh? We need to ''really'' use it right? We get more xp only when turning in quests now or no?... not sure how it works tbh. I need clarifications cuz I tried and spent 1 hour today, killing trash mobs, and barely got 1 level on both skills. Concerning Poison Arrow, it isnt an ability that I use constantly, its situational... so its gonna take forever to get it back to where it was, and more importantly to get the ranged interrupt back on my bow bar!
Would appreciate explanations OR if you guys could consider doing something about the new slow paste leveling (after remorph) OR ideally, give back the progress lost to high level players!
Thanks in advance!
@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_RichLambert