Morrowind 0 free character slots for new warden, false advertising? (because of added cost)

This post may seem like a unrefined rant, perhaps because it is, but I want people to see this and what I feel about it, to hear if I am unreasonable or if I am right:

Ok, my issue right now is that I "can't play Morrowind" I have already made 10 characters, I have leveled them all to level 50 and I am happy with how they look and the role they are intented to have. In order for me to play warden I need to buy character slots to create a new character, the way I see it you have robbed me of a chance to play the game the way I want to play it, by adding an additional cost to the game that you know you will make money on when you launched morrowind, which I find very cynical and irritating. In my opinion without adding atleast 1 free character space you ask people to "kill one of their children" asking all who have made a character in all character slots to delete one of them or spend more money then they had hoped to to buy slots for more characters, the other problem is that you should be encouraging people to play more, have more characters, be more online, be more active with more roles and knowledge of the game, but when you are so greedy on character creation it feels demotivating, you should be glad if people want to experience the game in more then 1 way / character. Now you crown store is down, or doesn't allow me to make purchases, I've been promised early access for a game that cost me 100$ and I can't make a warden without killing one of my "children", gaming is important to me, and I don't mind spending money, but the way your game is now more concerned about how to make the most money instead of how to make your playerbase the most happy and content with their gaming experience makes me want to boicott ESO permanently, I have paid subscription for a long time and thrown literally thousands of dollars on this game, but I am largely unhappy with some of the choices you make, especially regarding fixing the dungeon tool feature. In the last 5-6 months it has been a nightmare to be a "dungeoneer" meaning I love to do dungeons, and when I tried using the dungeon tool to get into dungeons it infuriated me when I 99/100 times got teleported out, got kicked from group, got kicked from group AND given a dungeon deserter penalty from a feature NOT WORKING IN YOUR GAME! In my experience your pride of your game and it's functionality wasn't good enough, you didn't fix this, it has inflicted me with a great deal of wasted time, and pain, I have been robbed of gametime because the game I was paying for didn't give me what it promised, and I have posted it on the forums, I have tried to send tickets, but to no awail, I can't see any good reason why you shouldn't adress this? sure most people solo queue and experience little to no problems, but this is an MMO for crying out loud, and the early functionality of questing and grouping in this game was discouraging for group play with friends and others, and this dungeon tool flop is too, you HAVE TO fix this faster. I have seen that you have mentioned dungeon related fixes in the morrowind patch, but the magnitude of this problem for the last 6 months for people like me can't be expressed through words. I demand some kind of compensation for this, as I have paid subscription and tried my best to solve this matter, but without a shred of help from you, you have marked my tickets with "solved" and you have given me answers such as "we will look into this" "we are sorry to hear that" but that's just talk, you did nothing and I had to tear my hair out for 6 months because doing dungeons with my friends is what I like and wanted to do. I love this game but the feeling of greed and fixing money-income issues as a preoritized way to go makes me nauseated.
  • phaneub17_ESO
    They never mentioned any free character slots, what they said is they will increase the number of maximum characters you can have from 12 to 14. I bought a pack of crowns when they were on sale a while back and promptly bought two more character slots today for 1500 crowns each.
  • ArchMikem
    You should consider by now that anything extra is going to cost money. This is a long term game, and they need a constant flow of revenue.
    CP2,000 Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • bebynnag
    to address the actual topic of the post it was made clear months ago that no free character slots would be added, but additional character slots would be made available for crowns

    regarding the rest of your post - maybe its my dyslexia but the wall of text rant just hurt my head
  • essi2
    While providing atleast 1 free character slot when releasing a new class is the Industry norm, ZOS and Bethesda decided long ago they were far too good for industry norms and best practices.
    "The Heritance are racists yes? Idiots. But dangerous, destabilizing racist idiots." - Razum-dar

    "Wood Elves aren't made of wood, Sea Elves aren't made of water. M'aiq still wonders about High Elves" - M'aiq the Liar

    ** Leyawiin Layabouts (PC-EU) - Leyawiin Layabouts (PC-NA) **

    *** - ***
    Holy wall of text.
  • Sigtric
    N0TPLAYER2 wrote: »
    Holy wall of text.

    Is there Cliffs Notes? Didn't read.

    Stormproof: Vibeke - 50 EP mDragonknight | Savi Dreloth - 50 EP Magsorc | Sadi Dreloth - 50 EP Magblade | Sigtric Stormaxe - 50 EP Stamsorc | Valora Dreloth - 50 EP Magplar | Sigtric the Unbearable 50 EP Stam Warden
    Scrub: Chews-on-Beavers - 50 EP DK Tank | Vera the Wild - 50 EP magicka Warden | Sigtric the Axe - 50 EP Dragonknight Crafter | Sigtric the Blade - 50 EP Lost Nightblade | Sigtric the Savage - 50 EP magicka Templar | Vibeka Shadowblade - 50 Ep Stealthy Ganky Nightblade |

    Show Me Your Dunmer
  • Rosveen

    Yes, ZOS is being particularly greedy with Morrowind. Other MMOs commonly give free character slots when they add a new class.
  • Tipsy247
    In defense of OP (if I am understanding correctly), he/she is not arguing that it was not addressed from the announcement, but that it is wrong not to offer a complimentary character to slot to play the new content ie the warden without either deleting content already purchased (10 character slots) or paying more than the Morrowind cost.
  • S1ipperyJim
    Since ZOS was offering the new DLC for such a cheap price, it makes sense that they couldn't afford to offer free character slots for the new character and still pay the lease for their poor underfunded studio.
  • idk
    I do not find a need to read the OP since the title is so far off base it is absurd.

    I did see a claim that Zos is "so greedy" when I skimmed through the first few sentenced. I wonder why we are not concerned about the equal greed most of our employers demonstrate. That greed that puts a room over our head, food on the table and pays for us to play this game.

    Odd how greed works in the manner OP describes it.
  • Attackfrog
    I agree that is was pretty crummy not to offer a free slot when you purchase the ability to make a new class. Purchasing the new class should come with a slot. By far it's my biggest complaint with Morrowind.
    "You can have fun or you can have safety, but you can't have them both"
    -A ten-year-old
  • Acrolas
    It's not their fault you bought the box set instead of a basic upgrade plus a month of ESO+.
    signing off
  • S1ipperyJim
    I do not find a need to read the OP since the title is so far off base it is absurd.

    I did see a claim that Zos is "so greedy" when I skimmed through the first few sentenced. I wonder why we are not concerned about the equal greed most of our employers demonstrate. That greed that puts a room over our head, food on the table and pays for us to play this game.

    Odd how greed works in the manner OP describes it.

    It seems this may surprise you; but most successful businesses, even those not bound by industry codes of practice or specific legislation related to their business, work hard and make sure that they follow ethical business practices that give their customers value for money.

    Customers are not stupid and will stop using your goods and or services if you are found to be unethical or misleading and offer poor value for money compared with competitors offering a similar product or service. Employees are also not so greedy as to feel good about ripping off customers and like to work for companies which provide a product or service they can be proud of.
    never said free slots.
    caveat emptor
    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • max_only
    STEVIL wrote: »
    never said free slots.
    caveat emptor

    Caveat made Emperor already?
    #FiteForYourRite Bosmer = Stealth
    || CP 1000+ || PC/NA || GUILDS: LWH; IA; CH; XA
    ""All gods' creatures (you lot) are equal when covered in A1 sauce"" -- Old Bosmeri Wisdom
  • essi2
    max_only wrote: »

    Caveat made Emperor already?

    "The Heritance are racists yes? Idiots. But dangerous, destabilizing racist idiots." - Razum-dar

    "Wood Elves aren't made of wood, Sea Elves aren't made of water. M'aiq still wonders about High Elves" - M'aiq the Liar

    ** Leyawiin Layabouts (PC-EU) - Leyawiin Layabouts (PC-NA) **

    *** - ***
  • Ignotus
  • Heka Cain
    Heka Cain
    Welcome one and all to the Moaning Circle...round and round it goes, where it stops nobody knows!

    Tea and biscuits will be served in the intermission...or if you can not wait that long due to the potentiality that you may very well be late for your remedial classes, you can imbibe each others tears right here, right now at no extra cost!

    Thank You and Please Enjoy!!!
  • CountEdmondDantes
    N0TPLAYER2 wrote: »
    Holy wall of text.

    Those were the exact four words that came to mind when I saw this post.

  • Wreuntzylla

    It seems this may surprise you; but most successful businesses, even those not bound by industry codes of practice or specific legislation related to their business, work hard and make sure that they follow ethical business practices that give their customers value for money.

    Customers are not stupid and will stop using your goods and or services if you are found to be unethical or misleading and offer poor value for money compared with competitors offering a similar product or service. Employees are also not so greedy as to feel good about ripping off customers and like to work for companies which provide a product or service they can be proud of.

    The point made by Giles is itself plain silly. Greed is most often determined by profit margin and executive bonuses, not whether the average employee makes ends meet.

    I for one would not work for ZoS, at least not in any role that implemented their ethically challenged initiatives. I suppose not everyone has the luxury to choose their employer. I sometimes wonder if Gina is an enthusiastic part of the system or just trapped.
  • DemonNinja

    NO WHERE, I repeat, NO WHERE, did they ever say you were going to get a free character slot with the expansion...

    [Edit for Baiting]
    Edited by ZOS_Bill on May 23, 2017 4:20PM
    Aerilon Starsider - Best Sorcerer NA
    World Record Trial Team Member & Game Breaker of Days Past
  • Saturnana
    While they specifically stated that they'd only be expanding the maximum amount of slots (going from 12 to 14) and mentioned nothing about free ones whatsoever, I do agree with you that the result of not adding free slots is crippling experienced players with a full character list. They either have to fork over cash or delete a character they've invested in, to be able to play their new expansion.

    It would have been nice of ZOS to add a free slot, or two.. Very nice indeed. But things don't tend to work that way in most businesses, as charity is a rare occurrence when you can just as easily make money off whatever you're releasing.
    @Saturnna | PC / EU

    Nâmae Rin : Dragonknight | Dr Milodas Ra'Himo : Templar | Mira Motierre : Sorceress
    Plays-ln-Puddles : Warden  |  Lady Neria : Dragonknight   | Philadore : Nightblade  
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    "Ha! I do love it when the mortals know they're being manipulated. Makes things infinitely more interesting."
                                      - Sheogorath
  • mandricus
    ArchMikem wrote: »
    You should consider by now that anything extra is going to cost money. This is a long term game, and they need a constant flow of revenue.

    I agree.
    And for this very reason, I think that not giving free character slots to play the new class it is a bad marketing strategy, because it's pissing off mostly the people that are granting that constant flow of revenue to Zenimax: old and loyal customers, ESO+ subscribers, that likely already have all characther slots filled.
    New players won't notice at all this issue, as they will have 8 free slots to play whatever they want. Nor casual gamers, who typically are not ESO+ subscribers, as they typically don't have more than 1-2 alts.
    I already pointed out this in the PTS feedbacks ( as well with other things. Some things were addressed between 3.0.2 and Live (Pirate Skeleton, Dungeon Finder), most of them not.
    You are right. This is a long term game, and they need a constant flow of revenue. So ZOS' goald should be to have as much subbed customers as they can, customers that are paying them every and each month.
    With the choiches they've made (not giving Morrowind to ESO+ subscribers, not giving free character slots so old players who preordered the game now will have also to buy additional free slots) looks like they are just pissing off the people that were granting them that constant flow of revenue, just to earn some more additional money in the short term, whitout considering the long term impact of such marketing decisions.

    Edited by mandricus on May 23, 2017 2:03PM
  • Turelus
    For someone who seems to have had trouble reading something which has been posted for months, OP sure can write a lot. :astonished:
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Malborn66

    This is NOT new or even News.

    When I purchased Vvardenfells, I realised that I would have to buy at least one extra Character to play the Warden.

    So I bought an extra Character Slot then.

    I do not know where the people who have a problem have been but the certainly were not bothering to pay attention to what was published/said.

  • Rewws
    lnsane wrote: »
    While they specifically stated that they'd only be expanding the maximum amount of slots (going from 12 to 14) and mentioned nothing about free ones whatsoever, I do agree with you that the result of not adding free slots is crippling experienced players with a full character list. They either have to fork over cash or delete a character they've invested in, to be able to play their new expansion.

    It would have been nice of ZOS to add a free slot, or two.. Very nice indeed. But things don't tend to work that way in most businesses, as charity is a rare occurrence when you can just as easily make money off whatever you're releasing.

    Thanks for a serious answer, the whole point is they should have given atleast 1 free slot, especially since the crown store isn't working for 2 days, so even if we want to throw more money we can't.
  • Rewws
    mandricus wrote: »

    I agree.
    And for this very reason, I think that not giving free character slots to play the new class it is a bad marketing strategy, because it's pissing off mostly the people that are granting that constant flow of revenue to Zenimax: old and loyal customers, ESO+ subscribers, that likely already have all characther slots filled.
    New players won't notice at all this issue, as they will have 8 free slots to play whatever they want. Nor casual gamers, not ESO+ subscribers, as they typically don't have more than 1-2 alts.
    I already pointed out this in the PTS feedbacks ( as well as other things. Some things were addressed between 3.0.2 and Live (Pirate Skeleton, Dungeon Finder), most of them not.
    You are right. This is a long term game, and they need a constant flow of revenue. So ZOS' goald should be to have as much subbed customers as they can, customers that are paying them every and each month.
    With the choiches they've made (not giving Morrowind to ESO+ subscribers, not giving free character slots so old players who preordered the game now will have also to buy additional free slots) looks like they are just pissing off the people that were granting them that constant flow of revenue, just to earn some more additional money in the short term, whitout considering the long term impact of such marketing decisions.

    This was exactly what I wanted to hear, thank you!
  • Oldar
    The truth is the Editions of the Morrowind expansion costs from 40 to 80 Euros (official store pricing). They could gift 3000 Crowns in there for those who pre-ordered the expansion and 1500 Crowns for those who they may buy it after its official launch.
    Edited by Oldar on May 23, 2017 1:34PM
  • rotaugen454
    N0TPLAYER2 wrote: »
    Holy wall of text.

    That's what my Warden thought.

    "Get off my lawn!"
  • Pops_ND_Irish
    you can play with an existing character !
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