MrBeatDown_ wrote: »No, they will continue to buff them. They have been granted infinite sustain and the new cp changes allow them to have the highest sustain along with continuing the status quo of having the highest STDPS in the game.
Decreased the damage of Heavy Attacks by 15%.
Increased the resources restored by fully-charged Heavy Attacks by 30%.
You will still see heavy attack lightning sorc destroying everyone in game. Nothing changed. Even Removing the familiar from the game wouldn't change it. They don't even need a summon. They could even remove necropotence set from the game, and nothing would change.
The sorc deals way to much unblockable burst damage, Has damage shields that are way to strong and spammable, has aoe disruption on teleport (which they can still spam cuz there resource regen is insane so they are always at full resource and can still pull off about 6 teleports when running before getting in real trouble) and basically they are still indestructible in 1vx situations in pvp.
The only way to fix them is to make there shields bashable upon cast so you can interrupt them or lower the passive that makes there shields 30% stronger.
That's not going to happen, So sorc still the most op character in the game. Period.
MrBeatDown_ wrote: »No, they will continue to buff them. They have been granted infinite sustain and the new cp changes allow them to have the highest sustain along with continuing the status quo of having the highest STDPS in the game.
Decreased the damage of Heavy Attacks by 15%.
Increased the resources restored by fully-charged Heavy Attacks by 30%.
You will still see heavy attack lightning sorc destroying everyone in game. Nothing changed. Even Removing the familiar from the game wouldn't change it. They don't even need a summon. They could even remove necropotence set from the game, and nothing would change.
The sorc deals way to much unblockable burst damage, Has damage shields that are way to strong and spammable, has aoe disruption on teleport (which they can still spam cuz there resource regen is insane so they are always at full resource and can still pull off about 6 teleports when running before getting in real trouble) and basically they are still indestructible in 1vx situations in pvp.
The only way to fix them is to make there shields bashable upon cast so you can interrupt them or lower the passive that makes there shields 30% stronger.
That's not going to happen, So sorc still the most op character in the game. Period.
MrBeatDown_ wrote: »No, they will continue to buff them. They have been granted infinite sustain and the new cp changes allow them to have the highest sustain along with continuing the status quo of having the highest STDPS in the game.
Decreased the damage of Heavy Attacks by 15%.
Increased the resources restored by fully-charged Heavy Attacks by 30%.
You will still see heavy attack lightning sorc destroying everyone in game. Nothing changed. Even Removing the familiar from the game wouldn't change it. They don't even need a summon. They could even remove necropotence set from the game, and nothing would change.
The sorc deals way to much unblockable burst damage, Has damage shields that are way to strong and spammable, has aoe disruption on teleport (which they can still spam cuz there resource regen is insane so they are always at full resource and can still pull off about 6 teleports when running before getting in real trouble) and basically they are still indestructible in 1vx situations in pvp.
The only way to fix them is to make there shields bashable upon cast so you can interrupt them or lower the passive that makes there shields 30% stronger.
That's not going to happen, So sorc still the most op character in the game. Period.
There are literally easy ways to stop a sorc casting shields. Stun them, CC them.
Confirmed on the twitch stream from Friday by Paolenn the rich Lambert said there is a big pet nerf coming Monday