So, anyone else tired of seeing everyone in Burning Spellweave, Two Fanged Snake, Scathing Mage etc???
The game is showing little depth when everyone either has the same gear on, or the same generic costumes from the Crown Store. How about you throw motif hunters, like myself, a bone... Not only that, you could start to sell items of clothing in the store - or utilize those ones we find around town
Here is my idea... each person can save up to 4 custom costumes. Basically, at any dye station, give an option to store your CURRENT look as a costume (much like you can save up to four dye combos). This would make motifs so much more worthwhile - and crafting would once again be useful too!! Not only that, we could finally be rid of seeing all those Grothdar shoulders and those crazy Iceheart shoulder pieces too (which are basically the ruination of my overall look on my toons).
Not only that, it means we could also start to be on the look out for all those cool pieces of clothing that we find in dressers etc - and finally start putting together some unique looks!!