Recon Team 6 is looking to recruit experienced players for pve trials, vdsa, and whatever else we feel like doing. Our guild is a tightknit group of people who like to have fun, but also take things seriously when raid time comes. We run every night at 11pm EST Our current scores include:
123k vHRC
107k vAA
132k vSO
43.7k vDSA
79k vMOL
These scores could easily be better, and that's why we nee YOU! No, not you... or you... yes, you in the back, YOU! We are looking for all classes and roles but particularly offtanks and dps that can pull 33k plus(40k if petsorc) self buffed. If you're near reqs but cant quite break threshold we will work with you to help you get up to snuff, so to speak.
Please /w me at
@Gaggin or any of my officers
@Capt_Morgan ,
@Msbunnyfluff for a dps test and interview. Don't worry, this interview isn't a an absolute thing, we just wanna get an idea of where you're at so we can help you improve while not putting you into content you're not ready for.