Vipstaakki wrote: »The very same reason why animation cancelling bug hasn't been fixed yet.
Because some guilds like to help their members. Even if the member has been in for 2 weeks or a month and gets granted access, a withdrawal limit would help immensely.
Because some guilds like to help their members. Even if the member has been in for 2 weeks or a month and gets granted access, a withdrawal limit would help immensely.
To everyone criticizing letting new members withdrawal here are three points:
1.) We do have a guild bank fee to try and deter that, he paid the fee took everything and left.
2.) We want members to help members and we have way to many people to have the officers consistently withdrawing items for other members. Our system has worked up unti this point. I know I personally don't want messages every time someone wants something from the bank.
3.) That completely distracts from the topic at hand, the issue is the fact that this is STILL not a feature in a game that has been out for three years with countless requests for this feature. Why not add this so new members can withdrawal say 3 items a day and get more privileges the more they become trusted and contribute to the guild.
Lieblingsjunge wrote: »To everyone criticizing letting new members withdrawal here are three points:
1.) We do have a guild bank fee to try and deter that, he paid the fee took everything and left.
2.) We want members to help members and we have way to many people to have the officers consistently withdrawing items for other members. Our system has worked up unti this point. I know I personally don't want messages every time someone wants something from the bank.
3.) That completely distracts from the topic at hand, the issue is the fact that this is STILL not a feature in a game that has been out for three years with countless requests for this feature. Why not add this so new members can withdrawal say 3 items a day and get more privileges the more they become trusted and contribute to the guild.
It does not need to be a feature, since you already can take away the rights from specific ranks. And how do you suggest the game client realises that "You're more trusted and have contributed more"? As I see it - the game clien't wont recognise how many times you've helped in guild chat or helped another member in whispers. Or doesn't that count?
If you don't want those kind of messages, play in Offline-mode. Members can still help members, though.
You have person X joining guild 10 minutes ago. You have person Y that played with the guild for 3 months but is still just a member.
Person Y could have the rights to help person X. I'm sure you know which members joined when(There's a Roster-log). You can just promote them to a "safe" rank after a few weeks - or when you see they've contributed.
Either don't give new members the option to withdraw, or implement a rigorous screening process to make sure the new members that do get access are trustworthy. And even then, you've only minimized the risk somewhat, not taken it away entirely. Truth is.. even an experienced member who's been part of the guild for a while can someday decide '*** it' and take it all. And that wouldn't even be against the rules because they've done so through valid game mechanics that you have enabled for them.
The best solution - if you want to keep bank access enabled for everyone - is to make sure there's nothing in the bank you'd mind losing. And that means sharing any important food / armour / motifs / etc. between the members through other means - which defeats the guild bank's purpose entirely. So yeah, it's up to you.. minimize the risk and make it a bit more difficult on the members, or cater to your members at the risk of losing items.
Personally, I'd revoke access for the lowest rank and let those people know that if they want/need something from the bank, they should contact an officer or w/e to fetch it for them.
I agree with that. Why are there no more detailed bank permissions, you can either take it all or none? Why isn't it "only x items at a time/day", "only up to green/blue/purple items", "only items in category x"(say consumables or materials open for everyone but not gear, or vice-versa), "only specific items"(food, soulgems, etc)?
It may have been naive to give a totally new member access but I really wish we could do that. I hate whispering officers to get something, honestly if I don't have permissions I'll just ignore the guildbank/only use it to dump extra stuff there. I'm also having a hard time imagining officers enjoying this. Let's say there's...Idk...5 officers in a guild, which doesn't seem too unreasonable, and let's imagine it's full. It seems if they get unlucky poor officers will have literally dozens of requests. So instead of actually playing themselves they'll be stuck forever running to bank to withdraw stuff,l for everyone and then either mail it or trade...heck even if it's 25, not like they'll all always be online/available anyway. Seems a hassle on both sides players have to go through because Zeni can't bother with a better interface.
Either don't give new members the option to withdraw, or implement a rigorous screening process to make sure the new members that do get access are trustworthy. And even then, you've only minimized the risk somewhat, not taken it away entirely. Truth is.. even an experienced member who's been part of the guild for a while can someday decide '*** it' and take it all. And that wouldn't even be against the rules because they've done so through valid game mechanics that you have enabled for them.
The best solution - if you want to keep bank access enabled for everyone - is to make sure there's nothing in the bank you'd mind losing. And that means sharing any important food / armour / motifs / etc. between the members through other means - which defeats the guild bank's purpose entirely. So yeah, it's up to you.. minimize the risk and make it a bit more difficult on the members, or cater to your members at the risk of losing items.
Personally, I'd revoke access for the lowest rank and let those people know that if they want/need something from the bank, they should contact an officer or w/e to fetch it for them.
I understand how to people in the current climate, but an issue like this shouldn't have to be something the players just have to work around. Like you said anyone can just one day decide to take everything and bounce and not putting stuff in defeats the whole purpose of a bank. Why not add a simple feature like this?
Kali_Despoine wrote: »I have to admit most guild banks have trash in them anyway.
The only guild bank that has anything worth while in it lets nobody but maybe a select few in to withdraw.
If you let a new guild member in your bank then he has the right to withdraw anything he feels necessary to progress his game. If it's everything than I guess he just needed it all.
But still why let a day one recruit in the guild bank?
Most guilds I've been in need:
1: time played in said guild
2: interaction with guild
3: 10k +/- deposit fee
As for asking an Officer? That is just dumb. Hey Officer can you look for this or that in the guild bank for me?
If it's not some well fitted gear, green 1/6 recipe or trash mats then it's probably not in the guild bank.
But if your guild bank is stocked with Spriggan divines or gold necro rings than I bet you wouldn't allow any one in.
If you need something than you as the whole guild not just some Officer. Like
1: I'm a few silk short for my chest piece can anyone spare them?
2: WTB Spriggans
3: can any one with AP sell me a gold ring the vender has?
Of course the guildie price should always be cheaper than the market price cause hey you want to help your guild out right?
Perhaps it's because it's pretty damn stupid to treat everyone as a thief?.... why would you let the first guild rank have bank withdrawal permissions?
Perhaps it's because it's pretty damn stupid to treat everyone as a thief?.... why would you let the first guild rank have bank withdrawal permissions?
Many guilds have an honor system, which is why so many get robbed. It's sad there are people who take advantage of this, but these few shouldn't be the reason everyone else gets punished.
Guildmasters should have the ability to set limits on deposits and withdraws. This way, they can easily adjust the limit, rather than the rank.
I guess I just grew up in a different era. I could never wipe out a guild's inventory.
Perhaps it's because it's pretty damn stupid to treat everyone as a thief?.... why would you let the first guild rank have bank withdrawal permissions?
Many guilds have an honor system, which is why so many get robbed. It's sad there are people who take advantage of this, but these few shouldn't be the reason everyone else gets punished.
Guildmasters should have the ability to set limits on deposits and withdraws. This way, they can easily adjust the limit, rather than the rank.
I guess I just grew up in a different era. I could never wipe out a guild's inventory.
There are good and bad to guild bank policies.
There are two limiting schemes that could work:
Withdrawals allowed for certain levels of quality (White, Green, Blue, Purple, Gold) based on rank permissions.
Item limit for each day, 3 would be a good amount as I have never had a guild mate ever ask for more than 3 things (well, one time someone deposited 10 recipes and wanted 7 others back, but it is rare) Someone could still suck out the bank, it would just take longer.