Argentinean player looking fot a Spanish speaking guild

Soul Shriven
Hi everbody!

I've been playing ESO for a couple of weeks, almost getting to CP 160, where the solo contect is low, and looking to join a Guild, most preferible a spanish speaking one, mainly because I like to use the voice channel and it's just easier (aldo I can talk well in english). Looking to trade, craft and getting more involved in PVE and PVP content, so a little bit of everything!

My ingame name is Livirus, please look me up!

Best Regards,

Hola a todos, ya hace algunas semanas que estoy jugando ESO, estoy a punto de llegar a CP 160 y el contenido SOLO es muy poco. Estoy buscando unirme a una Guild donde pueda comercializar, craftear, con enfoque activo en PVE y PVP. Un poco de todo digamos jeje

Mi nombre en el juego es Livirus, por favor búsquenme e invítenme!

Edited by LiViRuS on May 18, 2017 9:30PM
  • jarnkoldur
    Ellos te van a cerrar este post si no traducen la informacion en inglés.

    They shall close this post if you do not also translate the information in english.
    Edited by jarnkoldur on May 18, 2017 6:27PM
    "And when the truth finally dawns, it shall dawn in fire!"
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