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Reply to @TheNorthernDragon on StamDK build.

Hey @TheNorthernDragon, to get back to you on my StamDK build. Figured I'll reply as such here, as on our profile's wall, we are limited in character spaces. Ok, I won't say my StamDK build is the best. I'm sure there are better builds out there, but yeah, I'm an HA guy for this game all the way, and my DK build(s) fair just fine. MA and LA sets are just to squishy for someone like me who solo this game on all contents PvE, mostly; particularly world bosses, dungeons and whatnot. To get more juice, you need to go 2H greatsword, and nevermind those haters and bashers on 2H usage in PvE. Been at this game fairly a long time now, and I've since came to the conclusion that they do know what the hell they are talking about. 2H greatsword is very viable in any PvE contents, even vet trials. Yes, even vMA, vDSA, and even freaking vMoL.. but probably not for those who are more hardcore at it and everything in their world is vMoL, must get at the top of the leaders board every week and nothing else matters.

Anyways, short of doing another Alcast, that Fengrush dude or the infamous Deltia guy clipomania type how-to, guides or whatnot (I'm not hardcore or a youtube guy) youtube clips, here are what I did to get some good juice on my DK. One of my toon, I use 5-piece DKS comboed with 5-piece Ravaging, and a 1-piece Selene head (medium for the Undaunted mettle), with 2H greatsword/bow. I also use 5-piece Sword-Swingers and 5 Ravaging on another with another monster helm or helmet that gives extra stamina for a 1-piece and also fiddled with 5 Seventh legion and Ravaging, as well as 5 DKS/5 Blackrose, 5 Sword-Swinger/Blackrose, etc. As you know, the DKS gives major brutality at all times so you don't need to slot Igneous Weapon or Rally, the Ravaging procs that 660 or so extra weapon damage, as well as the 7th Legion procing the extra boost of weapon damage. Just play around with different sets combo, much as I did. Of course, the 3-piece jewelries have to be part of one of the 5-piece set. I also use Spriggans and fiddled the 5-piece there with different HA bases.. oh yes, very brutal!

I also see a lot of folks use 2-piece monster set, just one 5-piece (LA or MA) set, with a separate 3-piece jewelry set, like Agility, or other Robust set. However, I favor having the perks from "two" 5-piece sets combo. 2 perks from 2 sets are more inviting than from one 5-piece perk and a proc from the 2-piece monster set. That is just me.. However, I do have a DW StamDK, and that one benefits from all perks/proc from both 5-piece comboed sets and the 2-piece monster proc. Although, the DW is brutal, and I also like it, I still feel I get more juice and bang from the greatsword.

So, here are other things I did to plus up the juice:

- enchant the greatsword with the gold weapon damage increase glyph. (I use poison glyph with my bow)
- enchant all jewelry pieces with the gold weapon damage glyph
- Slot Flawless Dawnbreaker on your front greatsword bar to get that extra 5% overall weapon damage
- I also slot Lightweight Beast Trap on my front bar to get an extra 3% weapon damage
- You can slot another Fighter Skill's ability, like the Camo Hunter (or what's the other one, Evil Hunter?), to get another 3%.. but you will have to sacrifice a 2H's skill in order to make room
- 2 divine pieces. You're not benefitting much more with 3 or more of these pieces with a DK
- Warrior mundus stone
- Champion Tree: 25% on Mighty; 1800 on Piercing; 10% on Precise Strikes; 11 or 12% on Thaumaturge
- I also enchant all gold Stamina glyphs to all my armor piece. I may thrown in one majicka glyph on a build or so, just to get the majicka pool into the 10k, just for giggle and grin. Usually, for a StamDK, the majicka attribute is sitting right around 9500 or so. Plus, you get good health/hp and passives with HA. So, really no need to thrown in any health glyph.

So essentially, you also get a 5% boost, passively, in weapon damage with using a greatsword. Combo that with the 20% extra of the DKS, 5% from the Flawless Dawnbreaker, 3% from Beast Trap (and if slotted, another 3% from Camo Hunter), the 2 divine pieces and Warrior, I'm pretty much sitting right around 3800-3900 or right there on 4k weapon damage on one of the builds. Here's also what I like with the HA, it's Wrath passive that increase your weapon (spell damage by 10 for 5 seconds, stacking up to 20 times.) That is another good supplement in jacking up the juice and bang. Also, when the proc of Ravaging or 7th Legion hits, that is a lot of good extra juice. Plus, remember, if you're using the Sword-Swinger (is it Swinger or Singer; I'm getting a braincramp) set, you're getting a boost of almost 500 extra weapon damages. So with proc, while testing it, I was seeing up the mid-4k and even upwards to 5k on the character screen, for overall weapon damage. With the 7th Legion and Ravaging, I was surprised, I saw it in the mid to higher 5k. Damages (not overall dps) on target, I have been seeing numbers in the high 20k range to the higher 30k ranges, and even at times, the 40k.. just from a single strike on a target (live action target, not a dummy.)

For skills/ability-wise:

Front bar/greatsword: Wrecking Blow / Venomous Claw or Burning Embers (your preference) / Lightweight Beast Trap (no more Rearming Trap cause it has been nerfed to hell) / Igneous Shield / Ultimate: Flawless Dawnbreaker.

Back bar/bow: Poison Injection / (if using DKS) Choking or Burning Talons (if not using DKS, you can slot Igneous Weapon or Hardened Armor) / Noxious Breath / Endless Hail or Arrow Barrage / Green Dragon Blood or Vigor, if have it / Ultimate: Toxic Barrage (for me) or whatever other ultimate you prefer.

Also, if not using a DKS, you can slot Rally with the front bar, but would have to push something to the back bar, and get rid of Igneous Weapon.

Rotation or common actions during fighting:

For non-bosses (dungeon, world bosses, whatever), i.e, adds/mob/trash: I always lay down the Arrow Barrage first, then Choking Talons, followed by Noxious Breath. Typically then I would switch to the front bar to wreak havoc with a AC comboing heavy attack/Wrecking Blows (or heavy/Rapid Strikes or heavy/Shrouded Armor) for a couple swipes, but lots of time, the target or targets have already melted with the Noxious Breath, as I am switching to the front bar. Literally, there was no need to get into with the heavy/Wrecking Blow. Just like those six adds at the start of a dolmen.. they are usually already melted. Also, note that I AC all primary attacks. You really need to with higher hp bosses.

Rotation for bosses: Again, priming with Arrow Barrage (I actually favor this over Endless Hail for the extra radius, versus the extra 2 seconds from the Endless; hey, to each its own, man), then hit with Poison Injection (you can throw in the Choking or Burning Talon, if you like), Noxious Breath, then flip to the front Bar. You may have to throw up the Igneous Shield (or any other damage shield) here first, cause by this time, you're probably got in a strike or two from the boss. If can squeeze in before the Igneous Shield, then throw down the Lightweight Beast Trap. Either way, before or after Igneous Shield is fine. Then, get a good swipe in with the Venomous Claw or Burning Talon, then wreak havoc with ACing combo of heavy attack/Wrecking Blow (I do not like the Dizzying Swing, by the way; just not enough juice or bang.) All the while, weaving and grooving; dancing like a dragon (or butterfly) and stinging like a, well, wasp in this case, versus a bee. Ha ha.

If you're on console, such as PS4, as I am and don't have the luxury of whatever add-on timer that shows or keep track of when DoTs are ready to expired and need to be applied, such as on PC.. I kinda have to guesstimate when the DoTs should or need to be re-applied, at least hope close to it. So, I figured a couple whacks with the AC combo (heavy attack/Wrecking Blow) should be good enough, then reapply from the start with Arrow Barrage or Endless Hail, then press repeat and watch as the boss's hp melts down and down.

So, hope your eyes are not spinning too much from this novel, if you've read it down this far or recovering well.. however, hope this helps some for your StamDK build.
  • TheNorthernDragon
    Many thanks for the comprehensive response! This will help tremendously.
  • GreenhaloX
    Cool, man.. you're welcome. Mainly, just have fun playing around with the builds and different abilities. See what each are capable of; particularly how each 5-piece's perk or proc come about.
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