Need assistance :D

Hello and thanks for devoting some of your time to read my thread :smile: . I opened this to ask you some questions regarding builds that will help me win 2 specific builds that my friends use. We've been dueling for a long time and it seems that they found my counter :neutral: . I am a Altmer magicka based sorc.. So, one of them is Wood Elf stam NB who uses Selene's, eternal hunt and spriggan's. The other one is a Nord magicka DK wearing things that he doesn't reveal to me ;D
  • Etchos
    The nightblade sounds pretty much a carbon copy of Deltias stamblade. You should be able to easily find his videos which will give you some good insight into how that build is supposed to play and understand what its NOT good at to try and exploit.

    What abilities are on your bars and what is your gear set up?
  • Elthamor
    Etchos wrote: »
    The nightblade sounds pretty much a carbon copy of Deltias stamblade. You should be able to easily find his videos which will give you some good insight into how that build is supposed to play and understand what its NOT good at to try and exploit.

    What abilities are on your bars and what is your gear set up?

    Gear i use spinner's and lich + infernal guardians. skills i use daedric mines/ ward/ mages wrath/force pulse/ fargments/ second bar fire rune (the one that kicks up)/ blink/ daedric curse/ blessing of restoration and light armour's ability. Ulties are soul assault and life giver
  • Waffennacht
    Elthamor wrote: »

    Gear i use spinner's and lich + infernal guardians. skills i use daedric mines/ ward/ mages wrath/force pulse/ fargments/ second bar fire rune (the one that kicks up)/ blink/ daedric curse/ blessing of restoration and light armour's ability. Ulties are soul assault and life giver

    SA + Curse should be GG against the Stam NB. The only issue is your lack of damage. Imo in duels Lich is not very useful as it shouldn't be a long match.

    The DK, Stam or mag based? Talons 4ever or something else?
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • Elthamor

    SA + Curse should be GG against the Stam NB. The only issue is your lack of damage. Imo in duels Lich is not very useful as it shouldn't be a long match.

    The DK, Stam or mag based? Talons 4ever or something else?

    he is magicka based but not spamming talons. mostly he uses the lash and claws. and he must have a set that refreshes his health rlly fast
  • Waffennacht
    Elthamor wrote: »

    he is magicka based but not spamming talons. mostly he uses the lash and claws. and he must have a set that refreshes his health rlly fast

    That could be Troll King, or a heal (other proc sets you would observe) I would think BSW on a mag DK. FYI no talon spam means your advantage is in mobility and distance. Use your mines/encase/cage to gain space and kite with crush etc
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
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