DB: Filling the Void

Ok, I have been ransacking the internet for ways to fix this, but, I am on the last fight, and it continually freezes, just locks up completely, and I have to restart and eat a soul gem, over and over. The number of posts, threads, bug reports etc on this, tells me ZOS has no plans to fix this problem... So, do any of your have any work arounds or solutions? I just want to finish this DLC finally, so, any assistance would be great.
  • Valkysas154
    Might sound stupid but have you tried restarting your pc ?
    I had this happen to me in Orsinium dlc end boss fight crashed over and over restarted pc and fixed it
  • Avalon
    I finally found a way to do it... I had to turn brightness down completely, turn all sound off, turn off indicators, turn off glows, outlines, subtitles, etc. If it can be turned off or down, so it. The fight runs 100% smooth then. Which is utterly ridiculous, though, and I feel so let down because I have been working my way through this line of quests only to finally get to the climactic moment, and basically missed it due to not being able to see it, not being able to hear it, couldn't even read the subtitles and imagine it in my head. Good Job, ZOS!

    Oh, on Xbox, not PC. Apparently, they decided to overdo the graphics and sounds on this fight, so, only way to get through it is to kill every option that could create even a grain of lag.
  • MadameDoom
    I've just found this EXACT same issue running on PS4 NA.
    Quest totally fine until fighting Primate Artorius; lags out, freezes and can't move.
    Have had to relog multiple times for the same issue to repeat.

    Really shouldn't have to adjust anything just to have a standard boss fight work correctly.

    ZOS, got a fix for this one yet?
    -= STORMGARDE =- PS4 | NA | Australian based | Co-GM | Currently recruiting Australian members.
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    -= BROTHERHOOD OF BOGANS =- PS4 | NA | Australian Based | Member | Always recruiting AU/NZ/OCE members.
  • MadameDoom
    I've also just relogged again, and it totally kicked me out of the cathedral.
    Now I'm magically transported, dead, outside the entrance to the catacombs, meaning I now have to do the quest over again.

    Level of annoyance: 11/10

    -= STORMGARDE =- PS4 | NA | Australian based | Co-GM | Currently recruiting Australian members.
    -= DAEDRIC UNDERWORLD =- PS4 | NA | Worldwide | Co-GM | Currently recruiting all members.
    -= FORTHENORTH=- PS4 | NA | Worldwide | Member | Established trading guild.
    -= BROTHERHOOD OF BOGANS =- PS4 | NA | Australian Based | Member | Always recruiting AU/NZ/OCE members.
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